Working with Wendy Ch. 03

This continues the story of my relationship with Wendy, the girl who had been employed as cover for one of my co-workers who had gone on maternity leave, and who I had wanted from the first moment I saw her when she was shown around the office during her interview. Despite her having a boyfriend, we had flirted much in the office, and in the first chapter we had made love under the stars. In the second chapter she initially rejected my approached to become my girlfriend but following an argument with her guy she split up with him and ended up meeting up with me as a shoulder to cry on, which led to us having sex again.

This picks up the story the day after, when she left her cum stained panties from our fun the night before in my desk drawer for me, with a note inviting me to ask her again to be my girlfriend.

Reading her note I desperately wanted to go and speak to her alone and ask her, but the opportunity just didn’t come up that morning. Whenever I went downstairs the other girls were around, still trying to find out who the mystery woman was that had been putting a smile on my face. At the time when she would usually go to the kitchen to make drinks for everyone Andrew, one of the other engineers and my best mate at work, was hanging around chatting to her.

Lunch time came, and she had already arranged to go into town with Andrew and one of the other girls, and as I had to go out to a client meeting that afternoon I couldn’t tag along this time.

I messaged her, asking of she was free that evening. ‘Afraid not, sorry. Some stuff I have to do with John. There’s some of my stuff at his place and I’ve got to go and get it back’

This worried me. Having heard he could be violent or abusive the thought of her going there by herself filled me with dread. ‘Do you want me to come with you for some morale support, and to stop him kicking off again’ I messaged her.

‘No, if you come with me it will probably make things worse’ she replied.

She was probably right, but I was still concerned, until she followed it up with ‘My dad is coming with me. John won’t try anything if dad is with me.’

That settled my mind a bit, although I was still a little concerned. “Txt me when you get home so I know you’re alright.” It seemed like a good way of putting my mind at ease, but if anything, the wait to hear any positive news from her was torture.

It was about 11pm before I finally received a message. ‘Sorry it’s so late. We had a nice chat, he was different. He’s accepted it’s over but wants to stay friends.’

I wasn’t sure I was completely comfortable with her staying friends with him, but I didn’t want to appear controlling or jealous like John had done for fear of putting her off.

‘Glad it went ok. Missed you today, hope to see you more tomorrow’ I sent in reply, opting to keep it simple.

‘Can see me more tomorrow. Pick me up on the way in the morning if you want.’

‘Ok, I’ll pick you up just after 8. You know the girls will talk about us coming in together tho.’

‘Haha! Yeah, they will. Will keep them busy tho’

I fell asleep before I could reply to that message, waking early the next morning, unusually eager to leave for work. Picking Wendy up on route wasn’t much of a detour. My usual route took me close to her place anyway, so it was no hassle to pick her up, plus it would be good to see her, and funny to get the girls talking. The only problem was that her house was only 5 minutes from the office, so I wouldn’t have her to myself for long, but it was better than nothing.

As I got to her house she came straight out and was waiting at the end of the garden path before I’d turned the car around, and got straight in, giving me a kiss on the cheek before we set off. After the usual friendly good mornings had been said, and I started singing along to a song on the radio, she looked at me and said “So, that question you asked me the other day”

“About going out with me?”

“Yeah. Do you want to ask me that again”

“Definitely. Will you go out with me?”

“Yes” she beamed in reply. And with that I guess we had officially become boyfriend and girlfriend.

As we pulled into the car park, we both agreed that it was probably best to keep it quiet at work for a while, not least because of the talking to we’d already been given by one of the directors a few weeks earlier when all that had happened was no more than a little flirting between friends. Nevertheless, we quickly kissed before getting out of the car — after first checking nobody else was around of course — and entered the building together.

“You two arriving together? People will talk you know” said Claire, with a tone that suggested she suspected something between the two of us. She was on to something of course, but that morning we could honestly deny anything untoward had happened as I really had only given Wendy a lift. Our denials were greeted with a “yeah yeah, sure I believe you”. She clearly suspected something, but she also wasn’t sure.

As görükle escort bayan the morning went on Wendy and I exchanged a few messages, joking about how much Claire was quizzing her, not just about whether she and I were an item, but also approaching from the angle of if I had spoken about who I was seeing if it wasn’t her. She also informed me in one message that if I was free at lunch there was something she needed some help with, if she didn’t mind. I had nothing else planned, so was happy to help if I could. We did the usual me going out a few minutes after she had – which looking back now I am sure must have been noticed (I’ve since worked with another couple who met at work and regularly did that then wondered how I worked out they were seeing each other in secret, so now I can see how obvious it was) — and I picked her up at the end of the road again.

“So then, where to?” I asked, giving her a quick kiss as she got in the car.

“Back to mine” she replied. “It shouldn’t take long, and I’ve got to be back at 1 to let Claire go for her lunch”

Taking the hint that we needed to get moving, I started driving to her place, so busy laughing at how Claire had been quizzing Wendy all morning and speculating on how she would react if she knew what had been going on, that I completely omitted to ask her what exactly it was that she needed help with.

She lived with her dad and her younger brother. It was a semi-detached house, probably built in the 70’s I would guess, and typical of the style of houses built at the time in the town. As we entered it became apparent that there was nobody home, and as she shut the door behind us she pulled me close to her to kiss me, and then giggled as she led the way upstairs.

“This way” she said, looking over her shoulder to see if I was following, and giggling more as she could see me admiring her ass as I followed her up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, she opened the first door on the left, and quickly ushered me inside, shutting the door behind her as she followed me in. It was a small bedroom, what would be described as the ‘box room’ of the house — my own room back at my parents’ house at the time was of similar size, with me being the younger of 2 brothers — but it was immediately obvious that it was her bedroom. There was a single bed that took up much of the length of the room to the left with a wardrobe behind, and on the right was a chest of drawers and make up table and chair. At the far end, the window overlooked the front of the house. It was small, but cosy too.

She approached me and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck, looking me in the eye and kissing me, before pushing me to sit down on her bed.

“So, what was it you needed help with then?” I asked, looking up at her as she stepped back a couple of paces.

“Well, I wanted your opinion on something to start with” she replied, holding my gaze as she slowly started to unbutton her blouse.

“Oh yeah, what about?” I think I was starting to work out where this was going, so decided it may be worth my while playing along.

She finished unbuttoning her blouse, and slid her arms out of the sleeves, tossing it to the floor. I immediately noticed she was wearing the bra from the matching set with black lacy French knickers that she had bought when we had gone shopping together one lunch time a week or two before. As I hopefully started to wonder whether the matching panties would soon be on show too, she started unbuttoned the top of her trousers and lowered the zip, before turning around, and starting to lower her trousers.

“Well, I wanted to know what you thought of these, and whether you thought they looked good on me?” she said, now bending over in front of me, giving me the most amazing view of her butt in the sexy underwear as she removed the trousers completely. She stood up again, turning around to face me, and stepped closer to me, placing her feet either side of me as I sat mesmerized watching her. She pushed me on to my back on her bed, and climbed onto the bed herself, straddling my waist.

She bent forward to kiss me, then started to unbutton my shirt, running her hands over my chest before bending forward again, going to kiss me, but pulling away to tease me, then pressing her body against mine as she kissed and bit lightly at my ear. I moaned softly as a hiver went down my spine, and instinctively I reached up and grabbed her ass with both hands and squeezed firmly. This seemed to drive her on more, and she swung herself around so she still straddled me, but this time facing away from me with her ass and crotch above my chest. I reached up again to fondle her butt and squeeze it through the material, as I felt her fumbling at my belt, eventually managing to undo it and my trousers.

“There is something else I need help with too” she said seductively as she slid my trousers and boxer shorts down just far enough to free my hardened 7-inch pole which sprang up to salute her.

“What altıparmak eskort is that then?” I asked, feigning innocence.

“Well, I have this itch that really needs scratching” she purred as she started stroking my cock. “We’ve got to be quick though. Any ideas?

Then she bent forward again as she slowly slid down her panties, giving me a great view of her ass and pussy, before shifting herself once more to remove her underwear completely and straddle me facing me again. I felt her wet pussy lips against my cock, stroking up and down to tease me. She lowered her body, so her firm 30B boobs pressed against my chest and kissed me, then sat up once more, raising her body and using her hand to position my hard cock just where she wanted it, then she swiftly lowered herself down, completely sheathing my cock in her hot wet cunt.

She moaned loudly as my cock stretched her, and I moaned at how tight it felt, but she immediately set to work riding me harder and faster, eager to reach her climax. I grabbed her hips and forced her down harder and faster onto my cock with each stroke, and soon her breathing increased, and her body started to shake from the orgasm that hit her.

My own climax not having come yet, as the shaking of the orgasm began to lessen I managed to flip us over so that she was now on her back, my cock still buried deep inside her soaking pussy, and with my need to cum taking over me I started fucking her hard and fast, like I was trying to hammer her into the bed, and as she started to scream with a second wave of orgasm washing over her I reached the point of no return, burying my cock deep inside her as I shot my latest load of cum into her eager cunt.

Knowing we didn’t have long, a pulled out of her, quickly gathered up my clothes and dressed again. She did the same, going to the bathroom to touch up her make up, and I assumed to clean up the mess I’d just made in her pussy too before we went back to work. Clothes, hair and make-up sorted, I drove us back to the office.

“Well, that itch got scratched alright” she said with a giggle.

“Glad I could help” I replied with a grin. “I loved you being on top too and taking control.” It was true, while sex in any position can be great, cowgirl or reverse has always been one of my favourites, having hands free to play with boobs and bum, but also there’s something sexy about knowing that the woman you’re with is slutty enough to climb on top to take control and get what she wants from you.

“Yeah, that was fun, but I really love it when you pin me down and hold my wrists down too, making me yours” she informed. I made a mental note for future reference. I wasn’t sure whether suggesting introducing blindfolds, handcuffs or tying her up might be a bit too much at such an early stage, but clearly, she got off on that feeling of being used for my sexual pleasure, and I wasn’t going to complain about that.

Just in time, we pulled into the car park, and quickly entered the building. Seeing there was nobody about I quickly wrapped my arms around her to kiss her before going back to our desks, and as we kissed there was suddenly a bang. As we looked around, we saw through the window panel in the door into the admin office the sight of Claire, picking herself up off the floor, seemingly having tripped over a box trying to get a better view.

“I knew it!” She shrieked as we went in to help her up. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell the bosses, but you know they’ll find out soon enough. I want to know all the details though! Has penetration occurred yet?”

I left Wendy to it, laughing as I knew she was in for a tough afternoon of quizzing from Claire. I escaped most of it but was greeted with “Here’s the stud” every time I had to go downstairs for something. To be honest I was loving the attention from the girls and the ego boost that came with it, and I’m certain that Wendy confirmed to them that penetration had indeed occurred a few times.

If we were now to be in a relationship, I thought it was time that we went on our first proper date. Our previous ‘date’ was when she had another boyfriend, and had quickly turned into lustful sex, so I wasn’t sure that it really counted as a proper date. I suggested a meal out somewhere and a few drinks — nothing flash, but a chance to spend some time together and get to know each other a bit more — and she in turn offered a suggestion of a nearby village pub that served some decent food and had a nice outdoor seating area that would be pleasant on a nice late summer evening like was forecast for that evening.

“I’ll pick you up at 7. Will give me time to go home and change and freshen up a bit.” Although she could drive, she didn’t have a car, only sometimes being able to borrow her dad’s car, so it was easier if I drove.

“Can you get to me a little earlier? I want my dad to meet you” she asked.

This seemed a big step. Meeting a girl’s dad can be a scary experience, or at least the anticipation of it can nilüfer escort be. I’ve always thought to myself “they’re going to hate me because they’ll know what I’ve been doing with/want to do with their daughter,” and mostly because at some point they have done exactly that with somebody else’s daughter. The reality for me, fortunately, has been that those girls’ fathers that I have met have been fine with me and very decent guys, but it has never stopped me being nervous again the next time.

“Your dad” I nervously replied.

“Yeah, he’s fine. I think you two will get on fine, don’t worry” she laughed, sensing my nervousness.

“Ok, I’ll aim for 6.30 then, if that’s alright? It won’t give me much time though.” I’m a guy, I didn’t need much time, and I was trying to avoid meeting him, but I suppose I would have to face it eventually if this was going to go anywhere.

She confirmed that 6.30 would be fine, and we got back to work for the rest of the afternoon.

At 6.30 I knocked on her front door. I wanted to make a good impression so made a special effort to be on time — timekeeping wasn’t usually my strong point, and still isn’t if I’m honest. Wendy answered it, which was a relief, and invited me in, taking me in to the lounge.

“Dad’s taken the dog for a walk; he’ll be back in a minute” she informed me. “I’ve just got to go and finish getting ready, I’ll be back down when I’m done” she added.

She looked fine to me as she was with her summery dress, hair tied back immaculately and subtle pink lipstick, but I sat myself down in a chair and watched her bounce out of the room and up the stairs, all the time wishing she had stayed downstairs to save me from the evil monster that I was sure I was about to encounter.

Sure enough, a couple of minutes later the front door opened, and a guy who I guessed was in his 50’s entered the house, a rather excitable black Staffordshire Bull Terrier leading the way.

“Hi, you must be Matt. Wendy’s told me a lot of good things about you.” He said, as he undid the dog’s lead.

‘I bet she hasn’t told you everything though’ I thought to myself, thinking of the things we’d done together that week. But before I could respond properly the dog bounded across the room towards me, launched itself into the chair and onto my lap, tail wagging and looking at me as if demanding to be stroked.

“Don’t worry, he’s friendly. A bit mad at times, but friendly” He reassured, but I was a dog lover anyway, so I was more than happy to become acquainted with the family pet. As I stroked the dog Wendy’s Dad and I started chatting, and when the subject got on to football — sorry to any American’s reading this but I mean Association football, or what you would call soccer — I could tell that he and I would get along fine.

7 o’clock quickly passed, and Wendy still hadn’t come back down. “I’ll go up and see what’s taking her so long, lad” he said, and made his way upstairs, leaving me alone with the dog, and 5 minutes later they both he and Wendy made their way down. As she stood in the lounge doorway her dad managed to remove the dog from me so I could get up to leave. “Have a good evening both of you.”

The pub was only a short drive from her place, but enough time for her to ask me how it had gone.

“I can’t believe you left me downstairs with him! He seemed a nice guy though” I told her.

“He told me you’d both had a good chat, and he liked you” she informed me. “He said you know what you’re talking about when it comes to football too” she added.

“So that’s why he had to come up to find you, to give you his verdict” I said in shock as I realised I’d just gone through a test.

“Yeah, he just wants to know his little girl is ok, but he likes you so it’s all fine.”

At the pub, the food was nice, and the company was great. As fun and exciting as flirting was in the first instance, it was good to talk to her with no pressure, asking each other questions to get to know each other better, talking about tv, films, music, or whatever the conversation brought up. While waiting for food to come out we held hands across the table, and any silent pauses were broken up by kissing each other as new couples can often be found doing. As we both finished our main courses, the waitress took our plates and brought us the dessert menu to look at. Scanning down the menu, the apple crumble and custard looked appealing, but I wasn’t sure I could manage it.

“Do you fancy desert?” I asked, holding her hand once more.

“What do you think?” she replied, and as she did so I felt her leg rubbing up and down mine beneath the table, and then her foot pressing against my crotch, trying to tease me with her toes.

“Seems like you’d rather have desert at home” I commented, her smile confirming I was correct.

“Back to your place then?” I asked, hopefully.

“Stay over if you like” She replied.

“What about….”

“Dad won’t be a problem. He’s fairly easy going” she cut me off.

“There’s another problem though. No change of clothes for work in the morning” I said glumly, then quickly realising a solution “fuck it, I’ll get up early in the morning and go home to freshen up before work. I’ll pick up on the way back if you like. I’ll need your help getting me up early in the morning though”

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