There was this really hot girl at work named Jessica. She was in her early 30’s, tall, thin, and had the most amazing body. While her breasts were on the smaller side, the rest of her was perfect. Legs that went on for miles. A tiny waist and this cute little white-girl bubble butt. I’d see her around the office every couple of days. I knew she worked in marketing and found myself wandering the halls up there a lot. The thing that struck me most was the way she dressed. It was sexy but not slutty. Clearly she knew she had a great body. Everything she wore accentuated her body but it never looked like she was trying. She wore very little makeup. She just always looked good.
I’d probably never said more than 30 words to her. We’d pass in the hallways and I’d smile or say “hi”. We once had a conversation in the lunch line but it was just polite simple talk. Heck, she was way out of my league so what was the point, right?
Greg, a good friend, invited me out with a group one Thursday night. Turns out Jessica was there too. We all sat around, drank and laughed for hours at a local pub. It was a lot of fun and I finally got to talk to her. I was right – she was just a sweet, simple girl who was extremely hot but nice as could be. Of course I attempted to maximize my time with her but so did several other guys. After about 5 hours of drinking we all went our separate ways and that was that. After that night, however, I noticed that I was seeing her a lot more often at work. We just kept running into each other. And these times we had more to say to each other. I grew oddly comfortable around her, but still knew there was no way.
A couple of weeks later, on a Tuesday, I was walking out to my car after work. I was totally dragging ass across the massive parking lot. It was cold out and I had two laptops with me. Once in my car I started it to let it warm up, put the laptops in the trunk, and climbed in. I cranked up the heat and looked at my phone while it warmed up. I damn near had a heart attack when someone knocked on my window. I jumped and tossed my phone. I looked out and saw Jessica standing there. I hit the power window.
“Sorry to bother you. Is there any way that you can give me a lift home?” she asked. She was standing there freezing, the cold wind howling through my window.
“Absolutely. Get in before you freeze to death.” I replied. I hit the door unlock and moved all of the crap from the passenger seat and stuffed it behind there. Jessica got in, a cold burst filled the warm car. She closed the door as I cranked the heat up.
“Thank you so much. I hate to have to ask but my battery must be dead and you’re pretty much my last hope. I barely know you but you seem like a nice guy. Plus I was freezing my ass off!” she said as she chuckled. “Nice car”.
“Thanks. So where am I taking you?” I asked. I think it finally sunk in that Jessica was actually sitting in my car. Even bundled up she looked amazing. She was able to run her hands through her hair a few times and it looked salon styled. She pulled off her gloves and placed her hands by the vents. Her hands were slender, porcelain white. She had long thin fingers with perfectly manicured nails, painted dark red.
“Oh, that feels much better. If you wouldn’t mind I live on the west end, off Mercer Avenue. Is that too much trouble?” she asked. She looked at me. She had the biggest brown eyes. She could have asked me to drive her to Florida and I would have done it.
“No problem at all” I replied as I shifted into first gear and drove off. Before long she started to loosen her jacket and settle in. I attempted to focus on driving but my attention was on her. Jessica was in my car! And then it hit me – her perfume. Or maybe it was hand lotion….whatever….she smelled amazing. Her perfume filled the car.
“I think they pay you guys in Accounting too much. We poor slobs in marketing can’t afford Porsches”. She smiled.
“It was my uncle’s. He sold it to me for a great price.” I said. We hit the bypass and settled in.
“I heard you went to Wharton? That true?” she asked.
“Yep. I’m from Philly. My father and Uncle both went there, which is basically the only reason I got in. You went to Clemson, right? I asked.
“Yes. I’m from Georgia but needed to get away so I chose Clemson. That seems so long ago now – almost 15 years. Yes, I’m a lot older than you are.” she said jokingly. We continued with small talk like this for about 20 minutes. I rolled on Mercer Ave and she pointed to this new condominium building. “That one – Hesson Tower” she directed. It was very nice, far nicer than I expected after her marketing vs accounting comment. “If you go through the gate and into the garage below you can drop me off right at the elevators.”
“Sure” I replied. We drove down into the garage and I rolled up next to the elevators.
“I can’t thank you enough. How about I treat you to a cup of coffee or maybe a hot chocolate? I insist. It’s the least I can do to thank görükle escort you” she said as she climbed out of the car. Now climbing out of my car is a task because it sits so low. She basically had to spin around, kick her feet out and then stand. Her ass was practically in my face. She had on these off-white dress pants, I could see the outline of a thong underneath.
Before I could even think I blurted out “Sure, if it’s not too much trouble”.
“Not at all – park over there in a visitor space” she replied as she closed the door. I pulled into the first space and headed towards the elevator. We rode up in awkward silence.
“Nice place. Looks new? How long have you lived here?” I asked her.
“Bought the condo before they built it so we’ve been in about 2 years” she replied. “We” caught my attention and as I prepared to dig deeper the elevator stopped and opened. She led me down the hall to the far end of the building. It appeared like she was in an end unit. Number 34. She opened the door and led me in. Once inside she tossed her bags on the dining room table and started to take off her coat. “Make yourself at home. What would you like, tea, coffee or hot chocolate?” she inquired.
“What are you having?” I replied as I took off my coat and hung it over the back of a dining room table chair.
“Let’s have hot chocolate,” she said as she walked into the kitchen. I followed her into the kitchen and sat at the island. The place was immaculately clean. It was well decorated in contemporary things. It wasn’t large but everything was first class. She bent over to reach under the oven and again gave me a front row view of her perfect tiny ass. She pulled out a pot and placed it on the stove. As she made the hot chocolate we made small talk. I looked out the 8th floor window and noticed that it had started to snow. “Look at that. Snow. Didn’t know they predicted that today.” she said as she grabbed a remote off of the counter and clicked it. The fireplace in the living room turned on. “That’ll warm the place up a bit. We keep it too cold.” Again she said “we”.
“You have a roommate?” I asked.
“Yes. He’s out of town. He travels a lot for work so I get the place to myself most of the time. No way I could cover the mortgage on this place without one.” “He” I thought?? We continued with small talk as the milk simmered. Finally ready she poured it into a cup, added the mix and stirred it. “Can you be a dear and take these into the other room while I change out of my work clothes?” she asked.
“Sure” I replied as I picked them up and made my way to the coffee table in the living room. The fire was raging – it felt wonderful. I stood there warming my hands. I heard her walk in, turned around and about had a stroke. There she was walking towards me wearing this oversized mock neck tunic sweater and what appeared to be nothing else. It was long enough to easily cover private parts but it showed a lot of leg, and her legs were damn fine. She was barefoot and with each stride I could see some of her firm thighs. Her pale skin in contrast to the beige color of the tunic. It was very loose fitting so it hung off one shoulder. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a scrunchie. Immediately I was aware that my cock had also taken note of her outfit and was beginning to stand at attention. She walked past me and sat on the couch. The way she did it, however, finished my cock off for good. It was now a full hardon. She sat down and folded her long leg underneath her. Her complete thigh was showing from under the material. I could see the side of her thigh practically to her waist. Her left shoulder was also exposed. She looked as if she was doing a photoshoot for a sweater company. Maybe the winter edition of Victoria’s Secret. She grabbed the hot chocolate and drank some.
I worked my way over to the sectional sofa, about 5 feet from her. I knew I was staring at her legs. I just couldn’t stop doing it. I took a sip and said “Thanks again. This is delicious. I haven’t had hot chocolate in years”. That, my friends, was a total lie. I have no idea why I said it. It must have been the lack of blood flow to my brain. My dress pants were getting increasingly tight. I moved around to find the least obvious position. She seemed oblivious.
“It’s really coming down out there,” she said. “You gonna be able to drive home in this mess? Your car doesn’t look like it’s made for this weather.”
“Sure, no problem. It actually does pretty well as long as I keep moving. I love the snow. Makes everything look clean and new.” I said. We sat there for the next 2 hours talking about work. After a second cup of hot chocolate I asked to use the bathroom. She pointed me in the right direction and off I went. When I returned she was standing in front of the window, looking out.
“Mark, it’s really coming down and starting to stick. Are you sure you can get home safely?” she said. Standing there, against the backdrop of the falling snow, with eskort bayan that big sweater on, she looked amazing. Again, like a professional photo shoot. I walked over beside her and looked out. There were a few inches on the ground. “How about this idea? How about we start drinking and you can have the guest bedroom? I’d feel a lot better knowing you weren’t driving home from here. If anything happened I’d feel awful. What do you say? I can make some mean drinks! I can even cook us dinner – I have a piece of salmon that is easily enough for two.”
She was facing me and reached out and placed her hand on my arm. It was so warm and soft I blurted out “Sure, if you are sure I won’t be a bother?”
“You, heck no. I would love to have company. I’m always alone these days. I’ll pour us some drinks and you lose the tie, ok?” she said playfully. The tie was off within seconds. I unbuttoned my shirt some and rolled the sleeves of my shirt. She moved over to the hutch by the dining room table and opened it. “What do you want? How about a shot of bourbon and a Manhattan to start?”
“Sounds great,” I said again without thinking. Not a big Manhattan drinker but who the hell cares. I was drinking with a beautiful woman and spending the night.
We did the shots and made our way back to the sofa. I sat in the same spot but she plopped down right next to me, in fact touching me. She spun around facing me sitting Indian style. This time the tunic rose up farther than before. I could see most of her thighs. She knew exactly what she was doing to me. I suspected this might all be a game. We sat there for another hour or so, and had two more rounds of drinks. I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast so I started to feel a good buzz. She was getting gigglier and more touchy.
She got up to get us another round. When she came back she asked me to hold both of the drinks. Standing there in front of me, she placed her hands on the bottom of the tunic and lifted it over head, revealing a white lace g-string and nothing else. She was basically standing there 2 feet from me naked. I was absolutely stunned. First that she would even do such a thing and second at her body. It was perfect. Her breasts were on the smaller side but they were real and her nipples were perky. Her abs were clearly visible, not in a muscle bound way but in a very toned way. Her waist was impossibly small and she had a belly ring. There was a small tattoo of a rose on her hip bone. The material of her panties covered her pussy but nothing else. It was basically a few strings of what material and then a small lace triangle. Her skin looked as smooth and soft as silk. She placed a knee on the couch and straddled me. Down she sat on my crotch, her breasts right there in front of me. I’m not sure how I was able to still be holding the drinks but she snatched one from my hands and settled in. She downed it right there and placed it on the end table. She reached and grabbed mine and placed it next to her empty glass. She looked deep into my eyes. She placed her hands on mine and guided them to her waist.
“I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve also never fantasized about someone like I have been since meeting you. If I want a guy I usually get them but with you I was even afraid to talk to you. I’ve wanted you since the night we met. I can’t explain it but I just can’t get you out of my mind. I’ve been following you around the office like a lost puppy dog. Since we got here I’ve been terrified you weren’t interested in me. Like I said I’ve never thrown myself at anyone before and even talking about it now I feel silly.” I was stunned. She leaned in and kissed me. We kissed and kissed and kissed. Simple kisses with light tongue action. My hands never left her waist. Her hands were on either side of my head, holding me there.
“How is this possible? You want me and I’ve wanted you since I first laid eyes on you. If you hadn’t made this move I would never have had the balls to do it. You are way out of my league. You’re beautiful.” I said as I rubbed my hands up and down her sides.
“Me out of your league? Hardly. Do you really think that I’m beautiful?” she said humbly.
I leaned in and kissed her again. “Absolutely: I whispered.
Jessica stood, unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off of me. She grabbed my hands and I stood up. She dropped to her knees and undid my pants. They fell to the ground. I kicked off my loafers and stepped out of the pants and boxers. She had stood and was retrieving a blanket from the back of an armchair. She dove on the sectional couch and threw the blanket over herself. “Come, lie with me.” she said seductively. She laid sideways against the back cushions and I laid down on my back next to her. She rolled over and was on top of me before I knew what hit me. Her skin was so warm. It was as soft as any I have ever felt. Her nipples, erect and stiff, rubbed against my chest as we kissed. I pulled the blanket over us. By this altıparmak escort time I was rock hard and there was no hiding it. Her hand slid down there and massaged me through my boxer briefs. I, in turn, had both of my hands on her butt cheeks. They were spectacular. Like something chiseled in stone.
“I have to ask how you’ve managed to sculpt your body this way. You look amazing” I said.
“That’s so sweet. It’s nice to have someone appreciate my effort. I do work out a lot but I guess it’s because I eat really well. Always have.” she replied.She laid her head on my chest and we just laid together for a while, looking at the dancing flames in the fireplace.
“I could fall asleep with you in my arms and that would be alright by me.” I said.
“Oh no…….no way…..” she exclaimed as she lifted off of my chest. She slid down my body under the blanket. When she reached my waist she started tugging on my underwear. I lifted my butt off the couch and off they went. I peeked under the blanket and she was looking up at me with those beautiful eyes. “Damn!” she exclaimed as she gripped my cock and licked it up and down the shaft. I watched as she played with it – teasing it with her tongue. Her hand had dropped between my legs and was massaging my balls. She was super gentle but firm. She placed the tip of my cock into her mouth and slid it in. She looked up at me and winked. It was heaven. Her mouth was warm and wet. She sucked with just the right amount of pressure. I laid my head back and let the waves of pleasure roll up my body. Just then I noticed that she had slid down so far that her crotch was at my feet. I positioned my foot between her legs, which she spread open to accommodate it. I began to rub her crotch through her panties. She moaned loudly as she began to grind her crotch against my foot. I think that it motivated her to double her efforts because I watched her damn near take my entire cock into her throat. My toes wiggled and the material got wetter as I did it. She loved it and was now humping my foot.
The problem was that all of this was killing me. I was in serious danger of blowing my load. Not that it would have been a bad thing, oh no. But I needed to hold out for the real prize. I reached under the blanket and pulled her up to my face. She wiped the wetness from her face and kissed me. This time it was rough and fast. Her tongue flew in and out of my mouth. My left hand was on her ass cheek and my right hand had slid down the crack of her ass and was rubbing the moist material. As I rubbed it I pressed the material into her, giving me access to more of her lower lips. They were smooth – not a hair to be felt.
“I want to bury my face between your legs,” I exclaimed.
“Yes……..please do…..” she responded, breathing deeply. She stood up, pulled off the soaking wet panties, and bent over the couch cushion with her ass in the air. I grabbed the wet white g-string and walked around the couch to face her.
“Open your mouth” I said sternly. She complied and I stuffed the entire thing into her mouth. Her eyes were wide open as she breathed through her nose. I hustled back around to the couch. “Grab your ankles,” I instructed her. Her hands slid down her legs and gripped her ankles tight. I now had full access to the most beautiful pussy I had ever seen. It was the perfect color, shape and size. It was soaking wet. I pressed my face right in, my nose buried deep into her wetness. It smelled like honey. I lapped it up and I placed my hands on her waist and pulled it harder into my tongue. I ran my tongue from top to bottom. I was in so deep and it was so wet I slid past her tight little anus several times. She moaned, muffled by the panties in her mouth. Stretching my arms out I could also reach her breasts. I squeezed her nipples. She was bucking and moaning with every lashing of my tongue.
She pulled the panty from her mouth and yelled out “God, don’t stop. I’m going to cum. Make me cum on your face”. That was all I needed to hear. I pressed harder and rubbed my chin and nose deep into her. My chin hit her clit over and over. Her right leg started to quiver. My free made is way to her perfect ass. I pressed my finger hard against her tight anus. She pushed back hard so I rubbed harder. She was writhing in ecstasy. “Oh God….now……so strong..” she yelled as she bucked against me. Over and over waves of orgasm ripped through her body. Her legs twitched and her pussy spasmed. Her crotch and legs were covered with her juices. She collapsed to her knees, bent over with her head to the side. Her face was bright red and she was sweating profusely. She couldn’t catch her breath. She reached out and grabbed my hand and placed it on her chest. She pulled me into her. I just pressed against her and watched her. She was even more beautiful, all disheveled, flushed and huffing and puffing. We stayed like this for a few minutes, then I pulled away and pulled her down on my chest. We laid there for like 20 minutes. I just listened to her heartbeat and breath. I was really proud of myself.
“That was amazing. I have never had an orgasm like that. I really liked what you did to me. Tickling my ass threw me over the edge. God, it sounds scandalous but I loved it!” she confided in me.
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