Charles and I accepted a dinner invitation from one of his business partners. The dinner was held at the Governor’s Mansion; a cocktail reception at 7:00 and dinner at 8:00.
I decided to wear a Black Halo Jackie O Dress and my black jeweled 2 inch heels and I added a splash of color with my red clutch purse. Charles looked smart in a black 2 button Italian suit; it was hand made with French piping. I made a mental note to spruce up my wardrobe since my daily wear was simply too laid back when I am out on the town with Charles. While I’m comfortable in sexy dresses with stilettos or a pair of jeans with a baby doll top and a pair of kitten hills or flats, I needed a dressier look for certain occasions.
We arrived at the Governor’s mansion a little before seven and found the guest milling about in the atrium with stemmed glasses in their hands conversing with one another on different political subjects. After cocktails we were ushered into the dining room for dinner. I must say the table settings were elegant in their simplicity.
The Governor and his wife sat at each end of the table and the guests took seats at the place with their name card.
Charles was seated across from his business partner and next to the Governor, so they could discuss business while they dined. I was seated next to the Governor’s wife Gayle and across from Charles business partner’s wife Carolyn. The other guest took their assigned chairs. Of course dinner was excellent and the conversation lively among the guests.
The wine lowered the inhibitions of a few of the guests to the point of unbelievable boldness. Cynthia turned her feminine wiles attention on the gentleman seated across from her and next to me. She teased the rim of her glass with her tongue while her foot rubbed his penis gently through his trousers. His bulge was quite prominent and to avoid any embarrassing leakage onto his pants he excused himself from the table.
Cynthia wasn’t the only bad girl at the table that night. I had my own compromising position to deal with. Unbelievably the Governor’s wife was misbehaving with the guests too, but what I couldn’t believe was I had become the object of her desire.
She started playing footsies with me under the table. I first thought perhaps it was incidental contact, but I began to get anxious when her bare foot slowly ran up and down the outside of my right calf.
The Governess was making her bold moves on me and I had no where to go. While I’ve had several Sapphic cyber sex experiences, I never dreamed of taking it off line and into reality.
Who knew the Governor’s wife was a lipstick lesbian. She was smooth too, holding a conversation with a guest several places down while deliberately teasing me with her foot.
My ankara escort eyes searched for Charles but he was heavily into his conversation with the Governor, leaving me to handle the states first muff diver on my own. It was flattering to be desired, but my preference is men only.
After dinner the ladies adjourned to the parlor for cocktails, while the men went for cigars and brandy in the study. While the other guests were occupied, I went in search of an empty powder room. I wandered off to an out of the way restroom; one where I didn’t think any other guest would be. I was surprised to find it occupied by Cynthia and her new friend; and they were getting busy I might add.
I had only one choice and that was to ask Gayle where another washroom was available. My heart began to beat faster when she informed me that I could use the master bath. I feared she would lead me straight upstairs to the master’s bedroom instead of the bath. I felt like a kid dreading the trip into the unknown.
I didn’t ask for Gayle’s advances nor did I want to encourage her either, but I knew if I walked upstairs to the master’s bathroom she would be joining me. Gayle wanted me and I knew she was determined to seduce me that evening on some level. I decided to wait even though my bladder was about to burst. I was determined to hold it as long as I could.
I thought of taking a walk outside to squat in the bushes and release the pressure. However, I managed to slip away and locate the master bathroom on the second floor of the mansion while Gayle was called away to attend to another guests needs.
I took advantage of Gayle’s absence and discovered the bathroom had a second door that led to a plush home theater for the master suite. An open closet revealed a stack of home made videos, adult film DVDs and adult toys and accessories.
I looked at the movie covers, noticed the titles and it explained the Governess attraction to me. There in the closet were many boxes of girl on girl movies.
As I was about to leave, I heard a footstep and turned my head to see Gayle standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. My expression no doubt was that of a kid with his hand in the cookie jar, and I was sickened to see her standing there.
Gayle approached asking. “Do you see anything you like in my collection of movies or perhaps my bondage and discipline equipment?”
“There are a lot of girl on girl flicks. I assume by the way you were playing footsies with me earlier the lesbian films are yours.”
“Mmmm erotica darling it’s erotica,” She said, as she pressed her right breast into my back.
“Oh my,” I said, and I moved away from Gayle’s sexual advance.
“I’m really flattered Gayle but the only lesbian ankara escort bayan action I ever had was cyber girl on girl action but that was as far as I go.”
I didn’t mention my high school flirtation with my friend Yvonne, no need in giving her hope.
“Well don’t you ever want to make that fantasy into a reality?” She asked.
Then she lay down on a chaise and waited for me to make the next move. I didn’t take the bait.
“You know I find you attractive Lola. You remind me of myself as a younger woman, stunning beauty, self assured, intelligence, and your sultry voice turns even the straightest woman on. You are me, a young Gayle my darling, and I find that very attractive.”
“Thank you, I think.” I said nervously smiling from the compliment.
Where the hell is Charles when I need him? I was beginning to feel a little perturbed around Gayle.
“Oh dear please calm down, we’re both ladies and adults. I would never forcefully take you unless you requested me to ravish the tight body of yours.
I admit her compliments worked more than the alcohol could have. I was getting a little warm from the fire of Gayle’s seducing words. My loins were tingling and my legs wobbled. She arose and took hold of me and sat me on the love seat of the screening room.
She offered me a glass of wine. Sure, as long as you don’t slip me a Mickey,” I said.
We laughed at my comment as she walked over to the bar in the room and fixed me something better than wine, then handed me a White Russian.
I asked her how she knew it was one of my favorite drinks.
“Oh I have my way of finding out about someone if I want to,” she said.
I slowly sipped the poison knowing it could spin me out of control. Gayle watched my lips intently as they touched the rim of the glass to sip the alcohol.
I soon felt warm from the vodka spreading through my body. Gayle sensed my weakness and asked if she could refill the glass before she chanced another step toward her passions thrill. I was determined not to let her take control of the situation. Now, if this had been Charles I would have allowed myself to be taken without resistance.
Gayle handed me the second cocktail and sat next to me. Suddenly Gayle pressed her lips against my neck, her breath felt warm as she kissed me. My heart was beating fast as her hand began to knead my right thigh. Slowly the hand moved up my inner thigh, my muscles froze and refused to obey my mind as I thought “Close your legs.” I had made a commitment to Charles and no one not even my gynecologist had permission to enter my secret garden without my consent.
Gayle soft touch had me leaking my sweet juice inside my red lace panties that I was expecting escort ankara Charles to remove with his mouth back at our place for a night of passion and now the State’s First Lady had started something I was not about to allow her to finish.
If I were into women Gayle would definitely be in the running for a wild passionate adventure with me. Even the most beautiful woman in the world does have a chance with me.
Now I have always had an attraction to the actress Selma Hayek, and if I were an actress I would make it a point to be in a movie with her. Even if it was a one line role I would do it as long as it was with Selma.
Imagine the wet dreams I would have after being with her. Can women have wet dreams? I’m not sure but that woman would be the reason for sweet spills on my satin sheets. Gayle wasn’t my fantasy girl, and I like girl on girl fantasies, but just the fantasy.
I love the real McCoy and nothing is better than that firm part of the male anatomy rubbing deep inside of my pearl. Gayle felt the hesitation toward her advances on me and pulled away.
I told her I was sorry but I wasn’t into women and her secret was safe with me. I was flattered that she found me attractive and she had started a spark that I was saving for Charles to inflame.
She smiled and asked if I could leave her with something to remind her of me. So I lean over and gave her a passionate French kiss. I am a wicked tease and torturer of souls but it’s what I do. If I know there is an attraction toward me I can tease the hell out of the person, only to consummate the passion with the man who shares my bed.
We walked toward the door holding hands as I tortured Gayle one last time. I slid my hand underneath her dress, and into her panties. Then using my thumb and forefinger to part her flowers lips ever so gently and let her juice flow onto my finger.
I removed my finger rubbed it on her lips, before kissing her softly on the mouth. She sigh a soft whimper as I whispered in her ear think of me tonight while he’s fucking that sweet pussy you want me in.
I left Mrs. Governor weak at the knees, and walked away to find Charles. He was in the study with one arm propped up against the mantle. When I walked into the room he came over to me until we were inches apart.
I whispered in his ear that I had been a bad girl with the Governor’s wife. I told him she tried to seduce me but I told her this sweet pearl belong to you only. But I left her with a little something to remember me by.
Charles leaned over and kissed my forehead and whisper in my ear. Maybe I should thank the Governess for warming you up for me.
“Charles, you are so bad.” I said.
“No my lady, I think that term applies to you. It’s your world I’m just a squirrel waiting to bust a nut inside you.”
“Charles that’s not the way that saying goes,” I informed him.
Charles laughed and said “I bet it goes that way tonight. Besides, I love it when you’re bad because you make love to me so damn good.”
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