The Perfect Party Place

This story, while a fantasy, is based on real Lifestyle parties I’ve attended. If you haven’t attended a house party, many of the details below are what you can expect. If you’d like me to share some stories about my real life experiences, just ask.

I had been to Lifestyle parties many times. My first was at an apartment rented just for hosting parties. I knew the hotels in town with the best room layouts. Off premise clubs had come and gone in a local warehouse district. And I’d attended a couple of times at houses before the neighbors’ complaints got the homeowners on the news and shut down as ‘adult businesses.’

One day recently, I was chatting with my friend Angie about what she would do when she retired. We met at her first swing party 5 years ago. She and I instantly connected as friends. The casual sex we had didn’t hurt either. We only played at parties, and our online chatting never turned into cyber sex. We flirted, sure, but enjoyed just hanging out, virtually, from time to time.

I teased her that when she retired she’d never be bored because of the 24/7 orgy she would host. She LOL’d, but then we started sharing our likes and dislikes about the parties we’d been to and how great it would be if someone found a comfortable, lasting location for consenting adults.

Angie wondered how much money she and her honey (both of them are married to other people) had spent on hotel rooms over the years. I wondered how much I’d spent on ‘contributions’ to hosts. Single men are asked to contribute more then couples, sometimes twice as much.

What if couples had a more discreet place to go that didn’t require checking in and out at a public reservation desk? What if they could add other playmates without everyone having to walk through a lobby in front of hotel staff?

The kidding around soon ended as the talk of a business partnership started. I opened my web browser and started searching for apartments for rent. Angie searched for furniture and the whole thing snowballed.

We found an upscale, 4-bedroom townhouse nestled in the middle of several higher-end apartment complexes. Parking was spread out, convenient, and plentiful. Angie had a blast decorating the place. We sent the word out to our friends, who told their friends, and so on. Invitations were limited to people who could provide personal referrals to someone we knew. We created a list of invitees and a waiting list of people to check out later.

Grand Opening

The big night had arrived. Guests were told to arrive between 6 and 8 Friday night to be allowed in. Late arrivals would be turned away.

Everyone was dressed to impress. Each guest was welcomed in by an attractive host or hostess we had hired. They took care of collecting money and getting our waiver signed. Once there were 6 or 8 new arrivals in the front room, Angie or I would give them a tour and an overview of our rules of the house.

Our first 10 guests had gathered, so we decided to both give the very first tour. We passed the stairs to start in the open kitchen/dining area. We provided snacks and mixers while guests were welcome to bring their own adult beverages.

We gathered the tour group in the ‘dining room.’ Comfortable couches lined the walls. Rule One, as at any swinger party, is “No means No.” This is a no-pressure environment for consenting adults.

Our Rule Two is, “No playing in the kitchen/dining area.” This is the place to sit and get to know people. It takes the pressure off if everyone knows that there’s somewhere to go where no one will be playing.

A short hall led to a large master suite. Everyone followed us in to see 2 king-sized beds separated in the far corners of the room. Couches faced both beds. Many people at swing parties like to watch. We were proud we had made concessions for them to be comfortable, too.

“This is an open room,” Angie explained. “That’s why we removed the door.” She led us over to the master bath, “We have a large tub and glass enclosed shower. We’ve placed a chaise in here, too. There is a door on the ‘Water Closet’ for privacy.”

I could see the pleased expressions on our guests’ faces. One couple whispered to each other as they smiled at the chaise in front of the tub and shower. I beamed with pride that we were already a hit. I followed as the tour moved upstairs.

At the top of the stairs I took over and pointed out the three bedrooms here.

“Two of these rooms can be private. We ask that if you see a closed door up here, you don’t knock or try to enter. Look in as you follow me.”

Both rooms had queen-sized beds. One also had a recliner facing the bed. The other had a sex swing mounted in the ceiling next to the bed. I caught a couple of our guests smile as they noticed the swing.

“These rooms are also going to be available for hourly rental during weekdays when we’re not hosting a party. No more going to the No Tell Motel for our friends.”

That got some BIG smiles and even some light applause. Angie giggled.

We went into the last room. ankara escort “This is another open room,” I told them. Here we hadn’t bothered with beds. Three quarters of the sizable room was lined with mattresses on top of box springs. We had arranged things so the whole surface was like one big, L-shaped bed without the risk of anyone falling through the cracks. Next to the door was a series of cubby holes and hooks for clothes and personal things. A few small chairs finished out the set up.

There was a special treat here, too.

“Meet Fifi,” I told the tour as I put my arm around a petite blonde in a revealing French Maid’s outfit. She was holding a little plastic caddy of items.

“Fifi is here to keep things tidy. She works here and will see to your housekeeping needs. She also carries extra condoms and some choices of lubes. IF she chooses,” here Fifi blushed a little as I gave her ass a pat, “Fifi will see to some of your other needs, too. As with anyone of you, No still means No for our staff. Any questions? Feel free to ask Angie or me privately if you’re shy.” That got some polite laughter.

“Let the games begin!” announced Angie as she dropped her dress to the ground. One of the couples practically danced up to her and each started suckling one of her nipples.

“Well, I guess I’m on tour guide duty for awhile,” I remarked as I headed downstairs.

Another couple grabbed the girl they’d arrived with and pulled her into the room with the swing. They left the door open and another couple stopped in the doorway to watch, their arms around each other.

The last couple and a single guy followed me downstairs and settled in the sitting area.

By then, there were enough new people for me to start another tour. This one went pretty much just like the first until we got upstairs.

The 40something couple we left watching were still in the doorway of the room with the swing. They weren’t just cuddling any more. She was a small, athletic redhead, standing in front of him with her skirt up around her waist. He was a short, clean cut, guy. His fly was open and he was fucking her very slowly from behind as they both watched what was going on inside the room. We could hear slapping skin and wet smacking sounds before looking in.

I could see that we had done a good job mounting our sex swing. A young, small-breasted blonde was spread open in the swing, her legs on the shoulders of the 50ish stockbroker as he fucked her. A sophisticated, 40ish blonde was on her knees half under the swing, holding onto it with both hands as she licked the cock going in and out. When she took his balls completely into her mouth, he stopped moving. But she didn’t. She proceeded to pull down on the chair and let the swing’s spring pull it back up. That way, the woman on her knees was controlling the speed and depth of the other two fucking.

I explained the same rules to the new group, but I’m not sure how much of my spiel they actually heard. I know I was distracted and I was the one talking.

I raised my voice a little bit, “Please follow me into the next room” and led everyone into the bigger room.

My friend Angie was very busy with the young couple I had left her with, Fred & Sally.

Angie was laying on her back in profile to us. Her head was hanging off the side of the bed/platform and Fred was pushing his sizable thickness into her throat. She was making happy gagging, gurgling noises as his balls slapped against her forehead. Sally was lying between Angie’s legs. We could only see Sally’s full head of beautiful, black hair all over Angie’s thighs and crotch. Fifi was sitting across the room in a chair with her hand up under her skirt, ruby tongue moving in and out of her full, pouty lips.

I continued with my part of the tour, raising my voice to be heard over Angie. At one point, she made eye contact with me and laughed. I gave her a pointed stare that I hope she understood meant I would be getting even soon.

We’d agreed that, unlike past hosts of parties we’d attended, we would be playing at our parties. We also agreed that we wouldn’t both play until everyone had arrived. I know how insatiable Angie is and figured I wouldn’t be having any fun until after our 8PM deadline.

I spent most of the next 2 hours being a good host. I also spent that time with a constant semi-erection watching and listening to everyone else’s pleasure. I was feeling VERY jealous.

Here are some of the highlights of what I saw:

Every time I went by the swing, the woman on the floor, Anne (we were introduced later in the evening), had moved somewhere else. Her husband Art must have taken some Viagra or something, because it seemed like he fucked Callie, the young blonde, for an hour. Anne alternated between kneeling under the swing licking Art, to licking Callie, to behind Art with her tongue in his ass.

The shower turned out to be a hit. Ben, a 20something stud, had his legs locked as he stood in the middle of the shower stall with 2 Cougars on their knees ankara escort bayan front and back as the water cascaded down over all of them. His arms were braced against the walls and he was having trouble standing because of the pleasure they were giving him. Every so often they would reach out to the other, playing with a hard nipple or rubbing across an engorged clit. These beautiful women, Sheila and Diane, were probably close to 50, but they could have passed for 30. My first thought was they obviously had the best personal trainers and plastic surgeons. I later found out that Ben was their personal trainer. Lucky guy.

Two 30something couples had swapped and were all on one of the king-sized beds in the master suite. They’d match positions. When one couple moved to doggy style, the other would do the same. Then the second couple would move the woman on top and the first couple would follow. It was like a sexual game of follow the leader.

I enjoyed watching a first-time couple as they wandered around the house. Her eyes would get big and he would gently rub her back while they watched what was going on. I saw them cuddling on a couch in the master suite watching the 2 couples. They left without playing with anyone else, but I had a feeling they would be back.

Brenda, a zaftig 30something, was on her hands and knees on a king-sized bed, panting and moaning as Billy was working his way up to fisting her. As he slowly stretched her, she kept demanding that he keep going. Sam walked up to the side of the bed and waved his hard cock at Brenda. She smiled and patted the mattress in front of her with her hand. Sam climbed onto the bed in front of her and lay back as Brenda dove in. She pushed his legs apart and swallowed his dick to the root. The next time I came by, there was another guy spread out in front of her, getting the same treatment. A short line had formed. By then, Billy’s whole hand was inside her sopping wet pussy. The bed was soaked. Brenda was quite a woman. Fifi told me later that she counted at least 6 cocks Brenda sucked and 8 orgasms soaking Billy’s arm while Fifi was waiting to change the sheets.

I never saw Angie leave the big bed. I lost count of how many cocks she had inside her during my 2 hours of touring, talking torture.

It was like she was having her own gangbang on our opening night. And loving every minute of it. She had 2 different DPs that I saw. Most parties don’t allow anal play, but we had decided it was okay. Fifi was around to make sure there wasn’t a mess.

I saw Fifi doing a great job throughout the night. I had not seen her playing with anyone but herself. I was wondering if she had or would. Angie had interviewed and hired her. She’s a very shapely little lady. At 5′ tall and 105 lbs, she was wearing a push-up bra that accentuated her 32C tits. Her skirt billowed out over her small, ghetto butt. I was thinking that, once I was done with the work part of my night, Fifi would be my first stop to see if she would say, “Yes” to me.

It was 8:15 and I’d just given my last tour of the night. I checked in at the front door with our hired host and hostess, Adam and Kaitlin, to make sure there wasn’t anything else I needed to do. They were both young models and, during their interviews, had assured me they were open-minded and could handle this environment. As Adam told me he was a little overwhelmed, I could see a flush in Kaitlin’s cheeks. They both were expected to stay at the door until 4 AM, but I’d promised them regular breaks.

I sent Adam to the kitchen to get something to eat and told him we’d put a little cot in the large, walk-in pantry if he wanted to get away from everyone during his 30 minute break.

Still in host/boss mode, I stayed with Kaitlin at the door. I wasn’t sure she was up for turning away any late arrivals. I asked her about her impressions on the night.

She was the kind of woman you see at car shows, tall, long legs, long hair, pretty face, and soft skin. She kept playing with her thick, brown hair as she told me she never thought there would be so many attractive people here. She had heard that swingers were fat and ugly. I laughed and told her that, just like everyone else, swingers came in all shapes and sizes.

“Is Angie your girlfriend?” she asked me.

I smiled gently and explained that we were not, that Angie had a husband and a boyfriend. And that I was single.

I smiled more inside at the question and the possible intent behind it.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked Kaitlin.

“No,” I swear I saw a gleam in her big, green eyes.

I tried to sound casual, “Would you like the tour when Adam gets back?”

I thought I was imagining things. She actually batted her eyes at me.

“Sure,” sounding not too eager.

I tried to keep breathing normally as we chatted about nothing much until Adam returned.

Adam got back and I turned over the door duty to him after telling him what a great job he was doing. I told him he could spend some time standing escort ankara outside on the porch if he was more comfortable.

“Kaitlin will be back after her break,” I told him as we walked away.

Was it my imagination or did she mutter, “Maybe not” under her breath?

I showed Kaitlin into the master suite. The ‘follow the leader’ couples were relaxing on their bed, casually touching each other as they chatted.

Diane was on her knees on the other bed with Ben fucking her from behind. Andre, a large, 40ish black man, was on his knees in front of her while she sucked his oversized cock. Sheila was behind Ben, licking and playing with his balls while Fred was fucking her doggy style. We saw long, black hair under Sheila and slim arms wrapped around her waist. I guessed it was Fred’s wife, Sally, tasting Sheila and Fred. I don’t think I ever saw Sally’s face that night.

A few more guests were on the couches, watching what was going on. Some were dressed, and others were in various stages of undress.

I stood quietly, watching Kaitlin. I watched a flush rise up her beautiful face as she lightly bit her lip. She didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands. She went from smoothing down her tight, navy, cotton dress to playing with her thick, brown hair, to wringing her hands in front of her.

I leaned into her, “Shall we see what’s happening upstairs?”

She jumped just a little, “Hm? Oh, okay.”

I loved how hard it was for her to tear her eyes away from the hot, sweaty, moaning people on the bed as we left the room.

I followed Kaitlin up the stairs, wondering if she was wearing stockings and a garter belt or pantyhose on those long, strong, shapely legs.

The doors to both smaller bedrooms were now closed. I explained to Kaitlin what that meant. She was surprised to learn that people could have privacy at a swing party.

Then I gestured an ‘after you’ into the big bed room.

I watched Kaitlin closely. This time I was sure I saw her squeeze her legs tightly together as she crossed her arms over her breasts and sort of hugged herself.

Art was sitting Indian style on part of the big bed, leaning against the wall. His hard penis jutted up from between his crossed legs. Directly in front of him, his wife Diane and their friend Callie were in a soft, sensual 69.

Not far from them, Brenda was on her side with one leg raised, watching the two blondes pleasure each other. Someone was behind her because we could see his cock going in and out of her pussy and an arm playing with her floppy tits.

Angie was across the room sitting on the edge of the bed. She smiled at us. On her knees in front of Angie was Fifi, still in her French Maid’s outfit. I was captivated by the movements of Fifi’s head as it bobbed up and down and back and forth. Her hands were busy between Angie’s legs, too.

Kaitlin looked like she was at a tennis match, her head was moving back and forth so much.

Angie and I made eye contact as she grabbed Fifi’s head, clenched her thighs, and moaned loudly as she came. She pulled Fifi up to her, kissed her gently on the lips, and whispered something in her ear. I saw Fifi nod.

I turned my attention to Kaitlin and could hear her breathing more heavily. Just as I was about to reach out and put my hands on her shoulders two, soft, manicured hands intercepted mine.

It was Fifi.

She smiled up at me, “How’s your night going, boss?”

I laughed out loud as she led me over to the big bed next to Angie. Well, next to where Angie had been. She’d crawled up the bed and was going down on Cal, her boyfriend.

Fifi removed my shirt, kissing me gently on the lips. I tasted Angie on her still. Her hair felt amazing as I ran my hands through it.

She started unbuckling my belt and I glanced up, making eye contact with Kaitlin. She was done looking at everyone else. Kaitlin moved closer as Fifi pulled off my pants and underwear at the same time. The combination of Fifi’s touch and Kaitlin’s gaze had me fully hard now.

“Take your clothes off,” I said.

And they both did.

Fifi lifted her dress up over her head and I reached around her to remove her bra. She wasn’t wearing panties, just stockings and garters surrounding a small landing strip above her shaved pubes. Her shapely breasts sag just a little. I love that. She has little, light brown nipples.

Kaitlin also lifted her dress over her head. She’s young enough not to need a bra, despite how full her tits are, more full than I expected. They’re those champagne glass shape, with the nipples angled upwards. She has puffy, pink nipples. My stocking question was answered. She was wearing those thigh-highs that hold themselves up. She also had a black thong that she sent on the long journey down her legs to the floor.

Fifi took hold of my hardness and pulled me closer to the edge of the bed. I went along willingly. She kissed the tip, wrapped both hands around me, and sucked the head into her mouth.

Kaitlin knelt down beside her and ran her hands up my thighs to my balls.

Oh, my.

Together, they pushed my legs further apart so they could both fit between them. It was difficult sitting up, but I didn’t want to lay back because I wanted to see everything that was going on down there.

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