Ken leaned back and let the highway unfold in front of him. He watched as his old GTO ate up the highway like it was brand new, and still full of the life it once had. He could never bring himself to let it go; part of his childhood he refused to give up. The old car just kept going, and so long as he kept up the maintenance on it, he didn’t see any reason to let it go. The stereo was playing some great driving music and he felt like a kid again. His thoughts were on the next night, and the party that awaited him and his friends. He smiled at the thought of what Bri might have in mind. The thought of having his choice of Bri, Karen or Steph and Apryl for an evening was just too good! His mind was lost in the thoughts of depravation that lie ahead.
He was just settling in for the last long stretch of highway, when the cell phone rang. Pushing the button on the phone attached to his dash, he said, “Hey what’s up?” The screen said it was Eliot! He grinned at the sound of his friends voice on the line.
“Hey bro, where are you? I just landed and was wondering if I could catch a lift?” Eliot’s voice said a little hesitantly.
“Where’s the Benz buddy?” he replied back. Waiting for him to explain why he needed a ride?
“Apparently I parked in a restricted area, and the bastards towed it while I was in Atlanta!” Eliot even sounded a little pissed.
“Ok, I should be passing that exit in a little bit. What entrance are you going to be at?” he asked with a snicker.
“I’ll be out front of American, and don’t you dare say a word you shithead!” Eliot snapped back.
Ken just grinned at the phone and replied, “Be there soon! Hold on.” He made the lane change, as the exit for the airport was next. Ken smiled at his luck and timing. He couldn’t wait to let Eliot know about the gorgeous woman flesh that would be at their disposal. He knew to top off Eliot’s misfortune; he just had to rub in the fact of the previous evenings fun.
The radio blared out the old tune “Lucky Man”. He laughed even harder as he made his way off the exit and into the airport’s traffic.
* * * *
Bri looked at the cabin from top to bottom to be sure she and Karen had gotten it all finished. The three bedrooms upstairs would have to suffice, as well as the living room and its warmly decorated sofa’s. Ken’s Uncle had great taste in furniture and knew how to furnish a house, even if it was done for just guys!
This was a boy’s playground if ever she had seen one. The split-level cabin had a poolroom and a bar set-up. The room looked like it came straight out of an old “John Wayne” movie. The long bar, complete with brass handrails, and even a spittoon at the corner, reeked “Man”. The large mirror and shelves, fully stocked, the old-time carriage wheel chandelier that hung above the pool table, even a poker table that sat back in the corner, reminded her of an old western saloon.
Karen and her had taken great pains to leave everything as they found it, just to keep the place looking as natural as they could. She was a little surprised to find a working fridge behind the bar. They easily had room for the kegs that were on the way, even now. She knew that this room would most likely be where they staged their little party tomorrow night. She knew, now, that it would be a lot more fun than she had first anticipated.
Karen had suggested that maybe they should go shopping for a few things to make it even more memorable! Bri knew what she had in mind and told her, after the beer was delivered, that they should go into town and get what they needed. Karen had readily agreed. They were both getting a little anxious for everyone to get there. Karen suggested that they both needed to relax.
Bri looked at her and said, “What did you have in mind Kar, I could use a little distracting!”
Karen replied, “Well first and foremost, a drink would be good. Then I was thinking a dip in that pool outside would be a great way to loosen up some too!” She nodded towards the back of the house where Ken’s Uncle had a large kidney shaped pool. The pool was heavily decorated with a dark blue tile mosaic, which made the water look even bluer than it really was. There was also a smaller hot tub beside the shallow end, with the same matching design. She also could see that, getting its fair share of use as well.
Karen smiled at Bri and said, “You get the drinks, and I’ll get the towels!” She headed up the stairs towards the large hall closet for a couple over-sized terry-cloth towels.
Bri smiled and headed to the bar, where she made a couple “Long Island Iced Tea’s”. Ken usually made the drinks but, she had watched him often enough to know how to make these! “Everything white behind the bar, sour mix, and a sprits of cola!” she could hear him saying in her head. The sound of his voice reminded her of just how much she missed him. Even if he had only been away from her for a day.
She took the drinks and headed for the back of the house. She remembered ankara escort that the beer was being delivered, and decided to leave a note for the delivery guy. She tacked it to the front screen and headed back towards the pool and some relaxation. Karen was already headed out into the noon sun. The sun was nicely warming up the outside and she looked forward to relaxing in it.
As she made her way out to the lounge chairs, she realized that she had, again, forgotten her suit. Karen had also apparently forgotten, but didn’t seem to care as she striped off her shorts and tank top, revealing her firm nude body to the warm sunlight. Bri still looked in wonder at her amazing figure, a lithe swimmers body, taunt muscle tone and that gorgeous waist-length blonde hair. Any woman might be envious of her, and most usually were. She reminded herself of the long time she had known her, without really getting to know her. Now, that they had become such close friends, she couldn’t imagine how she could have, once, thought of her friend as a stuck up prude! Karen smiled back at her as she stretched out and then settled into the lounge chair, with absolutely no sign of modesty. Bri remembered a time, not so long ago, that she would have never been so brazen!
Bri handed Karen her drink and proceeded to strip off her own shorts and T-shirt. Karen’s approving stare as she removed her bra and panties, reminded her that they had yet to speak of what had transpired the night before. She felt Karen’s eyes look at her with a note of curiosity. Bri knew she wasn’t in the same league physically as Karen, being somewhat fuller of hips and a bit more, well cushioned, than Karen’s athletic physique. Yet she was more than comfortable with the way she looked, and knew she still turned heads. Sometimes she envied the trim, tall, and slender looks that Karen, Steph, and Apryl had going for them, but never once wished she was any different. She knew with her full hips, round ass, and notable chest, that she was just as attractive as they were, and just as desirable.
Without a second thought she shrugged the last vestige of her modesty to the deck and sat down in the lounge chair beside Karen. The sun, although not yet warm enough to be called hot, was warm enough to warm her pale complexion. She could feel the sun already warming her skin. Karen muttered something about it being nice to finally relax. Bri couldn’t help but agree, and said, “I wish the others would get here soon, I could use some fun before the main event tomorrow.”
Karen looked over and smiled, saying, “Yeah, I could use a little excitement myself. I feel a little naughty, and could really enjoy a good cum!” She giggled as she again stretched, allowing Bri to watch her gorgeous body reveal itself to her. She found herself getting that strange tingling feeling she had had only yesterday, and realized it came from her and Karen’s close relationship.
Bri looked at her and gulped down a good bit of her drink, feeling the effects of the alcohol quickly surge through her. She hoped that soon, they would have a chance to see if Karen equally felt what she was feeling! She leaned back and let the slight warming and cloudy feeling run it’s course. She closed her eyes and felt herself drifting off, as the drink took its effect on her. Her last thought before she began drifting was, Karen’s mouth on her nipple, and the warm sensation of her hand caressing her inner thigh. She could really feel the softness of her hair brushing her thighs, as if she was readying to pleasure her. Unconsciously she shifted her legs open, in hopes that her dream would lead to Karen eating her out!
It was only then, as she was realized that she still could hear the sounds of the trees and the wind, that she realized she wasn’t asleep. She opened her eyes to find that; Karen was indeed lowering her face towards Bri’s more than wet pussy. She was pulling her hair back and settling herself solidly between Bri’s outspread legs. With a wicked grin, she winked and disappeared below Bri’s view. She felt the light butterfly touch of Karen’s tongue as it hesitantly sought out Bri’s lips. Bri felt the first tentative touch of Karen’s hands as she used them, to push out further on her legs to attain better access.
Bri thought, “Oh shit, is this really happening?” Yet she relaxed and let Karen guide her, allowing her to take control and feel, for the first time, the feeling of another woman’s mouth begin giving her pleasure. She began to feel Karen explore her outer folds with tender traces of tongue, then felt her tongue ride the length of her slit, bringing an unexpected moan from her lips. She melted as Karen began to explore her with tongue and lips. The sensation was unlike any man’s clumsy and predictable actions. Karen, being a woman of pleasure, understood what the needs of another woman were. She gently began eating Bri, as if she was describing with her actions, what she would have liked done to her. The soft ankara escort bayan and yet unyielding pressure as it made it’s way top to bottom, made her quickly feel the on come of her climax. She could sense that this wouldn’t be like any other she had had in some time.
Karen purposely traced her nails along the soft area above her shaved hairline, drawing goosebumps. She began to flinch her hips, involuntarily into Karen’s mouth and talented tongue. Karen continued to apply herself to her task, drawing Bri’s breath in short gasps. She was in heaven as she felt time stand still with the pleasure Karen gave her. She had her eyes closed and could feel her body, building towards a tremendous release. Karen’s mouth kept up her loving caresses of her clit, and at the same time her fingers had found there way to her as well. She was using two fingers to drive Bri further into ecstasy. Bri could hardly hold herself on the chair; her hips were plunging furiously into Karen’s talented mouth. She felt the first wave of climax take her, and then wave after wave of racking orgasms ripped through her. Her body jerked and spasmed as Karen kept applying her constant pressure. She could feel herself cumming hard, and knew that Karen would be hard pressed to keep up the contact with her twitching pussy.
With a last swipe of her tongue, Karen pulled away to allow Bri time to finish her final throws of orgasm. She grinned widely at the pleasure she had given to Bri. She kept rubbing and tracing her fingers across her stomach and traced the outlines of Bri’s nipples, as Bri slowly came back to earth. Karen was just about to say something, when the sound of applause brought them both screaming back to reality!
Apryl and Steph were standing behind the lounge chair with huge smiles and applauding furiously. Bri jumped up, almost knocking Karen to the ground, in an attempt to find a towel to cover herself. Karen blushed, as if she had been caught steeling cookies from the corner store. The sight of the two women scrambling for towels brought even harder laughter from Apryl and Steph, as they almost doubled over in hysterics. Apryl was almost in tears as she said, “Oh Jeez, you two should see your faces! I have never seen two women run like that in a long time! Damn, calm down, OK? We’re so sorry we interrupted. We only wanted to let you know, that the delivery guy was outside waiting. He had been there for about ten minutes, and was just getting ready to leave when we pulled up. We thought you might be out here, so we told him to bring it in and leave it in the kitchen. It was only when he left that we decided to come out and see if you were out here. We just couldn’t help but watch, this was an unexpected treat, I must admit!” cried Apryl through her tears of laughter.
Steph stood there with a knowing smile and said, “Hi, I’m Steph, I am so sorry! We never meant to scare you. I just couldn’t help watching, and wishing I was doing that myself! Your both so beautiful.” Her tiny body looked flushed from excitement.
Bri stood there half covered, quivering from both the last throws of her orgasm, and the shock of being so obviously caught. She wasn’t sure if she should be mad, or laugh at being caught. Steph and Apryl were not looking as if they were going anywhere, and Karen sat stunned on the deck. Karen looked at Bri and then again at Apryl and Steph, and started laughing. Without a word her laughter became contagious. Within seconds all four of them were laughing out loud, while Steph helped Karen to her feet. All four of them looked at each other and lost all control. They howled with laughter, hugging each other, crying.
* * * *
Eliot looked as if he was going to explode! He was seething, from both having his car towed, and from the full description of what had happened to Ken the past evening. He couldn’t believe that he had missed so much action in just one night! Ken smirked at him and said, “See what happens when you take off to do your ownership thing?” Ken was of course teasing Eliot, the two of them, by now, had long gotten past petty jealousy. Eliot just sat there as if he was in shock. He questioned Ken about Steph as if he couldn’t believe his description of the woman.
Ken just said, “I’m telling you El, she’s no bigger than this.” He said spreading his hands to describe her width. “And to top it off, she has got the most delicious melons I have ever seen!” he grinned at Eliot’s increasing disbelief. “I’m telling you El, she’s about Bri’s height, maybe a size two, gorgeous eyes, flame red hair, and can she suck a dick!” he smiled as if he was describing a dream.
Eliot replied, “You son of a bitch! How lucky can you get? You get to have Bri, Karen and Apryl. Then to top it off, you get this, supposedly stunning waif, and your not wiped out?” He looked incredulous as he thought of the possibilities.
Ken came back with, “Well to be honest, Karen and Bri didn’t come back last night. They called just escort ankara after the other two showed up. I think they already had had enough for the night. Bri said Karen was already out, and she wasn’t far behind!” He grinned as if the cat were away! “To my own credit, I wasn’t expecting Apryl to show up with a friend. Hell, I wasn’t expecting company at all!” Eliot leaned his head back and just sighed. He rolled his eyes at his own misfortunes and said, “Leave it to you to find a pot of gold, in a cloud of dust!” He laughed and slapped Ken’s shoulder. “OK, how much longer until we get there?” Eliot asked.
“No worries Bud we’ll be there in about two minutes. The driveways just over this hill!” Ken smiled. He pushed the gas pedal, letting the high-powered engine roar.
As they made the turn into the driveway, Ken killed the lights. Eliot smiled at his obvious attempt at stealth. They drove the length of the road, about a quarter mile, in total darkness. The lights from the cabin were enough to let them see that it was a clear path to the front of the house. Ken killed the engine, as the final few yards to the house was a downhill. They quietly got out of the car and made their way to the door. Eliot and Ken were a little surprised to hear moaning coming from the back of the house.
Ken looked at Eliot and shrugged. He pointed at the two cars in the driveway. There was Bri’s SUV, and a light colored Jeep! He looked at Eliot and just motioned for him to follow. They made their way around the outside of the house to the brightly lit deck out back. Eliot smiled and nudged Ken, as they saw why they had heard the sounds of moaning from out front. On the deck, in the lounge chairs, was Karen being eaten out by, he could only assume, Apryl. Right beside her was Bri being serviced by a woman with flaming red hair, her beautifully shaped ass pointing directly at Eliot. Eliot looked at Ken and mouthed questioningly, “Steph?” Ken smiled and nodded yes, with a huge smile.
They stood there entranced as they watched the events on the deck unfold. Karen appeared to be in the midst of a massive orgasm, Apryl was barely holding on to her legs, as Karen thrashed around in the throws of a glorious orgasm. Bri seemed oblivious to anything except the attention she was receiving from Steph’s, apparently talented mouth. She was covered in sheen of sweat, and was pushing furiously on Steph’s head, mashing her face into her pussy! She moaned as if she was ready to explode. Ken was silently gawking, as Steph brought Bri again and again, to more massive and rapid orgasms. She seemed ready to pass out. The whole time Eliot just stood wide eyed, as if he could not believe what was transpiring right before his eyes.
Ken nudged Eliot. Eliot looked over and Ken motioned for them to move to a better location, closer to the action. Eliot just followed him like an automaton. He was so transfixed by the action on the pool deck that he didn’t even bother with stealth; no one even noticed as he passed by in the faded light from the deck. They made their way to the very edge of the deck. From their vantage point they could see, close up, all the action. Eliot was only three feet from Karen, and yet she was as unaware of him, as if he didn’t exist. She was so far gone, in the throws of her constant orgasms, that she never even looked his direction. Karen’s eyes were rolled back in her head as she arched up from the lounge chair in the grips of a massive climax. Her powerful legs wrapped securely around Apryl’s head. Meanwhile Bri was shouting like a wild animal. She had Steph’s head pulled in so hard, that Ken could not see how Steph could breath! Yet she continued to caress her nipples and eat her out, as if she was starving. Bri’s body shook as if in a never-ending orgasm. Her face was beet red and she had lost all control of her actions. She was nearly screaming in her delirium. Steph seemed impervious to the abuse she was receiving at Bri’s hands. She continued her assault on Bri’s slit, as if nothing could keep her from it.
Eliot and Ken watched transfixed, for twenty minutes as time after time, Bri and Karen came in torrents at Steph and Apryl’s abilities. They could sense when another round of orgasms approached from the sounds and motions of their women. They knew by instinct, when either Karen or Bri were on the brink of another explosion. They could only watch, as time after time, they were brought to wracking orgasms at the talents of Steph and Apryl. Grinning like schoolboys, they enjoyed every minute of this, voyeuristic display.
After twenty minutes, without stop, they crept quietly into the lounge chairs opposite where the girls were. They watched for another ten minutes before, Steph pushed away and pulled Bri to her feet. Steph dropped to the lounge chair and said, “My turn, I know you want to Bri. Just let it happen!” Bri seemed to hesitate only a second, and then tentatively took her place where Steph had been on her only seconds before. She at first seemed to hold back, then like she had come to some conclusion in her head, dove in. Ken was mesmerized as Bri grabbed Steph’s legs, and began to hungrily munch on Steph’s sopping wet pussy. The sound of her tongue slurping Steph’s juicy box was more than he could stand.
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