Jenny and Kirsty joined him soon after he left Anne, pulling on a clean pair of knickers. He sat outside again, watching them walk down the road. They were busy in conversation. He wondered what they were talking about, but he wondered more about what they were actually thinking. People think more than they talk.He still wondered what was really going through their minds. Both women fucking the same man, both women intending to have his children. He wondered if they talked about sex with him. Did they discuss the quality of their orgasms? Did they make comparisons between him and other men they had fucked? Though he knew them, he didn’t really know them that well. They may well have a deeper intimate relationship than most mothers and daughters do, but did it go as far as discussing sex?By the time they reached him, he was already sensing sexual stirrings again. Though they were fully clothed, his mind couldn’t help but wander back to earlier in the day when they walked up the hill naked toward him. His eyes had been focused on their naked bodies; their cunts, shaved and smooth, ready for sex. He would have liked to have had Anne with them too. Her cunt freshly shaved , and equally eager for his cock. It would have been nice to have all three together. It would be nicer though to have all three of them standing naked together, each in their various stages of pregnancy. Kirsty’s bump the more pronounced, and gaziantep manken escort the older women similar in size, at an earlier stage of development. He pictured their breasts too. There would be changes there as well, as each prepared for motherhood and a suckling infant.“Penny for them?” Jenny asked as they reached to the table.Jake smiled. “They’re much too dirty for sweet innocent minds like yours.”They both burst into laughter. “My mind might be sweet and innocent,” Kirsty said, “but mum’s?”Jenny gave her a dig with her elbow. “I’ll have you know your father still thinks of me as being quite virginal.”This brought Kirsty to fits of laughter. The laughter also brought Anne’s attention too, she was making her way to them. She smiled. “Your table is ready when you are,” she said without making eye contact with Jake.“We’ll have a drink outside first if that’s okay?” Jenny told her.“Sure, what would you like?”“I’ll come to the bar,” Jenny told her. “See what I fancy.”Anne laughed. “There are not many men in I’m afraid.”Jenny laughed as she turned to Jake. “Oh, I think we have more than enough on our hands here.”Jake winced wondering if she had noticed their relationship. Jenny was quite astute. Anne looked at Jake with a smile. “I bet you have. I envy you.”Kirsty sat down as the two women walked off to the bar. “Mum thinks she’s got gaziantep masaj yapan escort her eye on you?”Jake laughed nervously. “You reckon?”“Women pick up on these things,” she replied. “George doesn’t look up to much, does he?”“You think?”Kirsty nodded. “He leers a lot but it’s all probably in the head.”“Most men leer.”She reached for his hand. “Yes, but a few like you are capable of putting your money where your mouth is, or should I say, putting your dick where your mind is!”Jake laughed. “You have such a dirty mind, Kirsty!”“I know, and it’s all your fault.”Jake just shook his head. Kirsty squeezed his hand. “By the way, mum and I have decided that I will be sleeping with you tonight.”“Oh?” he responded, realising that they do talk about sex.“Well, mum is going to be spending all next week with you, so it’s only fair that I get some quality time with you.”Jake shrugged. “Well, if that’s what you have decided then who am I to argue.”She leaned over and kissed him. “Good. By the way, I didn’t put any knickers on before we came out.”Jake sat back.“So, if you fancy a walk down by the riverbank after dinner… ““You mean… “She leant over and kissed him. “I mean if you fancy an outdoor shag later then I’m available.”He felt his cock harden. “You are quite something. You know that don’t you?”“Well, my body is about to change, so let’s gaziantep masöz escort make good use of it while we can. And I’ll be a mother soon, so sneaking off for sex won’t be easy.”“Yes, sex will be curtailed for a while,” Jake commented.Kirsty smiled. “But I will have you available for babysitting, won’t I?”“Oi!” Jake shouted.She kissed him again. “In case you have forgotten, I am going to be cuckolding you, you know.”Jake pulled back, looking her in the eye. He knew he well enough now to know that she meant what she said. He felt vulnerable and afraid. She kissed him again. “Don’t worry, I will be gentle with you.”“Gentle?”She laughed.” I’ve seen the way you deal with cuckolds, and I’ll find a man just like you. Gentle but firm, dominant but not humiliating. You’re the perfect example of an alpha male!”Jake was stunned but had no time to respond as Jenny made her way to the table with George carrying a tray full of drinks. He avoided eye contact with him, and Jake wondered if he knew that he had fucked Anne earlier. They watched him walk away and Jenny turned to Kirsty. “Now there’s a man who’s being cuckolded.”“What makes you think that?” Jake asked.“You can see it in his demeanour. He’s the weak one in that relationship. Anne’s probably getting it regularly elsewhere.”Jake looked at her and wondered.“Do you think you could tell from Dad and Alan that they’re cuckolds too?” Jenny asked.Jake smiled.“What?” Kirsty said looking at him. “I wouldn’t want it to be that obvious.”“When you get to know a couple well you can pick things like that up quite easily. I would know that Dad’s one if I wasn’t married to him.”“And Alan?” Kirsty asked.She thought for a moment. “I would now. He has a similar demeanour to you dad.”Kirst looked at Jake. “And Jake, do you think that he is cuckold material, mum?”
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