‘Darling, the taxi’s here! Can you bring the suitcase, and get the kids? I’ve got the small bags.’
‘Okay, coming!’
‘Bonjour madame. C’est vous Madame Tanqueray, pour l’aéroport?’
‘Oui, c’est ça. Merci d’être à l’heure.’
Let’s put their conversation in English, shall we?
‘Have you no other luggage?’
‘My husband – ah, here he comes now. Just the one big case.’
‘May I take that sir, thank you? Thank you…that’s fine. Madam, may I get the door?…Are you all comfortable? Allons-y; let’s go.’
‘Can you ask him how long he expects it to be?’
‘My husband says, how long do you think the ride will be?’
‘There shouldn’t be any jams at this time in the morning. Less than an hour and a half, that gives you enough time?’
‘He says less than an hour and a half.’
‘I’m going to go back to sleep then. Look, these two are dozing off already.’
‘Ahhh…so they are.’
‘Doesn’t your husband speak French, then?’
‘Nullement, not a word. But yes, that gives us heaps of time; our flight’s at nine so if we’re there around seven that’ll be fine, thanks. No need to floor the pedal.’
‘Tanqueray is a French surname though.’
‘It’s not uncommon in English.’
‘So, he’s got a French – or a French-origin – name, but doesn’t speak French, and you’re French?’
‘No, I’m English too, but my parents lived here when I was young so I speak it. We’ve just been on a little holiday with our kids, and it’s been wonderful for me, very nostalgic.’
‘Have things changed much?’
‘Well, we didn’t live here in Paris, we were in the south. I meant it was nostalgic generally, to speak French and to buy fresh French bread and pains au chocolat and cheese, and just kind of feel things. But maybe not so much has changed. Only, maybe…’
‘What? What does that look mean?’
‘No, go on, what?’
‘Maybe the taxi drivers are a lot better-looking nowadays, that’s all.’
‘That’s kind. Maybe this is the day when I start noticing that customers are a lot more complimentary than they used to be, too. So, we can have as daring a conversation as we like, can we, with no fear of eavesdropping?
‘Yes, can we discuss any taboo we wish to and speak of your most shocking and secret daydreams?’
‘I suppose. But you start then since you’re so confident.’
‘I’ve been daydreaming for a few minutes now -‘
‘Don’t daydream right now, drive.’
‘-About sitting facing you in an expensive restaurant, gazing into your eyes, leaning forward to cup one breast and rolling my thumb over your nipple.’
‘Through my clothes?’
‘No, with my hand up under your blouse, while I drink a toast to your lack of inhibitions.’
‘You don’t know how inhibited I may be.’
‘True; it was a daydream. Perhaps in fact you are not quite so perfect.’
‘Actually I am fairly uninhibited. I might not have a bra on, in that restaurant of yours.’
‘Ah, that is good. Tell me your daydreams then.’
‘I’d like to see you naked, and I’d like to smell your skin. görükle escort bayan Really breathe you in.’
‘Ah, not in a restaurant then, I suppose. Where are we?’
‘Hmm, in your apartment I think, by your balcony window, with a view of the river and the Conciergerie towers. Maybe this is after we walked back from the restaurant.’
‘Yes, with my arm round your waist. Something’s wrong with your estimate of a Parisian taxi-driver’s earnings, but I like it. I can feel the shape of your body under my hands, holding you in the almost-dark in the room with just some illumination from the streetlights.’
‘That’s your steering wheel you’re fondling.’
‘No. It’s your body. Your shoulders, your back, your buttocks.’
‘Tell me your most sensitive zones. I’m really paying attention to my steering wheel now.’
‘Apart from the obvious, hmm…I really like to have my ears bitten.’
‘Medium…yes. Pinch my nipple with one hand, push on my mound with the other, and bite my earlobe. Oh, yes. Mmm. What about you?’
‘Funny you should mention nipples…well, not so unexpected given this conversation, but yeah. Especially since I got them pierced. Just pull on the bar, feels great.’
‘Wow, that’s cool. Can I see?’
‘Hold on…toll gate.’
‘So, going to show me?’
‘Seems kind of unfair, unless…’
‘I haven’t got any piercings to show you.’
‘Any tattoos, then?’
‘No. I don’t dislike them, just never really bothered.’
‘Well then. You’ve nothing to exchange.’
‘Hmm…let’s see…’
‘They’re sound asleep until we get there.’
‘I think they are, aren’t they. All right then, maybe I can show you something. But still…might be difficult to put these – stop grinning! – away in a hurry. Perhaps this…might be better…’
‘Oh…delicious. I can imagine teasing you with my finger, stroking up those thighs while I have one of your earlobes between my teeth. Mmm.’
‘Ahh…sounds heavenly. How far up do your fingers go, while you’re teasing me?
‘Oh, about as far as I can see at the moment.’
‘Just that far? Not…this far?’
‘Maybe. Maybe a little further.’
‘This far? Sorry, I know you have to watch the road…’
‘Maybe a little further. I’m biting you harder, and squeezing your tit.’
‘Show me your piercing.’
‘D’accord. I’ll need a hand; if I keep one hand on the wheel, so, and you help me lift my shirt…yeah…’
‘Oh! That’s cool! Can I -‘
‘No touching, uh-uh!’
‘Are they silver?’
‘No. Surgical steel. Some people get reactions from silver so mostly they use steel. Or titanium.’
‘Not gold? I can’t wear silver earrings, but I can wear gold.’
‘Don’t know. Maybe earrings are meant to be decorative, so steel is too cheap for nice ones, but nipple piercings are more about the erotic.’
‘Maybe. They do look very sexy. I’ll let your shirt drop before I can’t hold back from pulling them. Or twisting them.’
‘Oh yes, definitely twisting them. Oh…down comes the curtain.’
‘Now you can drive safely altıparmak eskort again.’
‘Unless I’m still glancing at how far I might let my fingers stray up. I’m sure, actually, I would go further than I can see right now.’
‘Oh, I hope so. Maybe – ngh – this far? Ah, that’s nice, the seat is cool on my skin…’
‘Slide forward a bit.’
‘Okay. So…that finger of yours…this far?’
‘Ha, looks like I might run into some resistance there.’
‘Under present conditions you would, but supposing this little piece of lace were not there?’
‘Lace? Really?’
‘Not really. Never mind – look – it might not be in the way…’
‘Oh…good Lord. Oh my. Irresistible. I might not be able to concentrate on your ear any more. I might have to start kissing my way down your body.’
‘I think – ooh – I’m starting to feel how good that might be. Is my finger doing what yours would be doing?’
‘Yes, I think it is. Hold on, there’s some traffic coming up, I can’t look. You’ll need to tell me. Tell me what my fingers are doing down there.’
‘OK…your finger has finished stroking. It’s pushing, pressing against my button and making circles. Mmm…’
‘Still keeping quiet?’
‘Don’t worry, drive. Mmm, your finger’s moving up and down now, making sure my wetness is all over my lips and right up to my…clit.’
‘This is while we’re still standing together in my apartment, at the balcony. I’m holding you against me while my finger explores you. Can you feel the pressure on your breasts as I hold you?’
‘Yes…like this…no, don’t look, I told you! I’m just talking to you to give you future daydream material. I’m feeling your strong arm pulling me against you. I’m imagining your finger…fingers…gently pushing my lips open, imagining you looking down to see the shininess of my pussy as it gets ready.’
‘Ready? For what?’
‘For…your mouth…’
‘Yes. I kneel, and kiss down to your mound, and push you back onto my bed.’
‘My legs fly up and apart…’
‘I kiss your inner thighs, getting gradually – so gradually – closer to heaven.’
‘You reach up and pinch my nipples, pinch them and twist them…ooh…no, you pinch one and I pinch one…ohh…’
‘My lips approach your lips; my tongue flickers out to lap at that shininess…mmm, you taste good.’
‘I ought to warn you -‘
‘Your mount of Venus is beautiful by the way. Look at it shaping your…lace…just above where your finger is moving.’
‘Never mind that. I just…I can stay quiet, but I can’t help getting wet. I’m warning you, you’re going to have to clean this seat.’
‘Then I’ll clean it, but don’t stop. You’re gorgeous.’
‘Eyes on the road, monsieur…’
‘I kiss all around your pussy, and bring my finger up to help.’
‘Mmm…I feel your tongue lapping at my clit, and your index enters me just below…ooh, the feeling inside me, my god…’
‘I press my tongue hard against your button, and moisten my middle finger inside you alongside my index, then take it out and leave my index nilüfer escort alone again, pushing your legs back higher.’
‘Oh! Ouch, you made me bite my lip…Oh, I hope I know why you moistened that finger…’
‘I swirl my index inside your velvet, and press my wet middle finger against your anus…making little circles.’
‘I pull my cheeks apart for you…’
‘I can just see your wrist shuddering out of the corner of my eye, by the way. It’s the sexiest thing! I press my finger harder, and it slips suddenly through your ring.’
‘Oh yes! Oh god, your fingers next to each other in my two tunnels, and your mouth on my clit…oh, oh, ohh!’
‘You kept very quiet, indeed. Don’t worry, I’m always checking the rear-view mirror. They’re well away.’
‘Mmm…how much further?’
‘About twenty-five kilometres. Twenty minutes maybe, it’ll be slower when we’re nearly there.’
‘Then I think I’m still there, on your bed, shaking, with a face as flushed as you see me now, as you stand up…’
‘I can see your finger moving…it’s amazing…’
‘Never mind that…tell me what you’re doing to me!’
‘I lift you and push you further back on the bed; I want to be on top of you, not standing. I take my weight on one arm and guide myself to your entrance. The head is the size of this gearstick, right here.’
‘Mmm…I use two fingers to open my lips…’
‘At last I slide in. It feels like home, like pastis down the throat. I move above you…I kiss you.’
‘I lie back and enjoy the closeness of your body, your smell, your face on mine, and the stretching in my…in here, ohh…’
‘Yeah…in there, I can see you, that’s it. I come and go, in and out, in and out, you grip me, it’s delicious.’
‘That’s…ooh…feeling very good, so nice…’
‘Close your eyes. I’m running my fingertip along my cock where it disappears inside you, and bringing it up for you to taste. Taste the mixture of you and me.’
‘Oh my god that’s good…don’t stop…’
‘I kiss you again, our tongues wrap around my finger, I move faster inside you. My god, you’re close again aren’t you? I fuck you harder, I fuck you deeper, I pinch your tit and lean over and bite your earlobe, then I-‘
‘Mmnnghhhhh! Oh god, oh god, oh god oh god! Ahhh…’
‘You’re all right? That looked…pretty good…’
‘Mmm…yeah…I bit my tongue…oh god it was good, I’m still breathless, you can tell…j’ai vu des étoiles; I’m seeing stars…’
‘I’m feeling pretty envious here.’
‘Bah, you’re a daydreamer! I’ve given you some material. But I’ll admit, I had more fun. And you’ve got a…thoroughly wet seat to clean. Are we there?’
‘We’re here, yep. Monsieur, mademoiselle, jeune homme, réveillez-vous! Wake up back there!’
‘Right…well…on ne se voit plus jamais, mais…’
‘…mais on ne s’oublie pas, hein? We’ll never meet again, but we won’t forget.’
‘Really, that much of a tip?’
‘Yes; you were sleeping, but he really took a lot of trouble to make sure it was a pleasant ride and that you lot didn’t wake up.’
‘Okay then.’
‘Bon voyage, tout le monde. Monsieur, prenez bien soin de votre adorable famille.’
‘He said, take good care of your lovely family.’
‘How kind. He doesn’t even know us.’
‘No…tomorrow he won’t remember us at all. Oh, ouch…I seem to have bitten my tongue.’
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