Serenity Valley Ch. 1

It was a very hot day and she was just out for a drive. She was finally divorced from Michael and was wondering how she should celebrate. She had no particular place she wanted to go and just decided to drive as far as she could go. She wanted to get away from it all, the noise, the job, the traffic and the city.

Her marriage to Michael was over. She wanted adventure. She wanted sex. She had remained faithful to Michael, but their sex life was non-existent so she had her fantasies and masturbated a lot. It wasn’t that she was ugly. In fact she was stunning, long blond hair, blue eyes and a models figured. It was just Michael didn’t seem interested in her anymore. Probably, because he was having an affair for 3 years, hence the divorce. Thank goodness there were no kids involved.

So now here she was just cruising the country roads on what had to be the hottest day of the year. The sweat was dripping in between her breasts. She had not seen another car for miles and was not sure where she was. She decided to stop in the next town and get something to eat. Maybe stay in a motel for the night. She did not have a change of clothes with her though. Oh well, maybe I can buy something to wear in town. She stepped on the gas was going pretty fast when all of the sudden her car started sputtering. She stepped lightly on the brakes and then stepped on the gas again, when she noticed the steam coming from the engine. She pulled on to the gravel and turned off the engine.

Damn, she thought, what the hell is wrong with this car. She lifted the hood and felt the blast of heat coming from the engine. The radiator had busted. There was a huge hole in it. Now what was she going to do? She looked around for a farmhouse or a building, but could not see anything. She thought for a minute and then decided to walk ahead to the next town.

About an hour later, she heard a car coming from behind her. Thank goodness she thought, maybe they can give me a lift. She stopped and waited for the vehicle to stop. It was a beautiful red convertible and the redhead driving was just as beautiful as the car. “Do you need some help,” she asked?

“My car broke down about 3 miles back, you might have passed it.”

“Yes, I did see it; I stopped to make sure no one was inside. Looks like you busted your radiator. Can I offer you a lift to town,” she asked?

“Yes, I would appreciate that very much.”

“My name is Chantell.”

“My name is Sierra Rose, nice to meet you Chantell.”

“Where are you headed?”

“No where in particular, just celebrating my divorce. I just needed to get away for awhile, you know be by myself.”

“I can understand that,” Sierra said. “I have never been married, but I know what it is like wanting to get some quiet time. My last girlfriend left me for a much younger women.”

“Excuse me, did you say girlfriend? Does that mean you are a, um lesbian?”

“Yes does that bother you?”

“No, um not really, I mean uh to each his own right?”

They were each quiet for awhile, each thinking something totally different. Chantell had fantasized about being with a woman but had never acted on it. She had really liked this girl in High school but when it came down to acting out her fantasy, she got scared and ran away. It had remained in her memory though. She thought about what would have happened had she just had the nerve to carry through.

Sierra Rose was thinking, man this lady certainly has a nice body. I would love to see her without her clothes on, but I will have to move real careful around this one. She is like a scared rabbit. Looks like she wants to jump right out of the car. But, she did sense some sexual vibrations coming from Chantell. Would Chantell have the courage to act upon it though?

They were approaching town. “I will take you to Alice’s garage and have her tow your car here to see if she can fix it,” Sierra said.

They pulled up to the garage, but Alice was not there, she had posted a sign on the door that said Gone Fishing. Back on Monday.

“Well it looks like your stuck here for the weekend. Unfortunately there is not a motel in town and the next town is fifty miles away. You could stay at my place. I have plenty of room. I live on a farm about 3 miles from here. What do you say, want to stay with me until Monday?”

“Well, I guess it would be all right. I don’t really have much of a choice. If you are sure you don’t mind, I don’t want to be a bother. Do you think my car will be alright,” Chantell asked?

“I am sure your car will be alright. It is on a very quiet road. If you want me too, I can call AAA and have it towed to my farm. Alice will pick it up on Monday,” Sierra said.

“Okay then, I guess you have company for a few days. I did want a few days of quiet. There is no better place to find peace than in the country,” Chantell said. “Let’s go.”

Chantell thought to herself, I am going to have two days with this beautiful, sexy redhead nearby. I am already thinking about what may happen. Unbeknownst to Chantell, Sierra was thinking görükle escort pretty much the same thing.

A few minutes later they arrived at the farm, they stopped in front of a gate that had a sign on it that read, Serenity Valley. Sierra got out of the car and opened the gate. Once they drove through the gate, she stopped again to close it and proceed up a long curvy driveway.

Chantell was admiring the beauty surrounding her. “This place is gorgeous,” Chantell said.

“Just wait until you see the house, sometimes I don’t want to ever leave home,” Sierra said. “I have everything you could possibly want. Swimming pool, hot tub, horses, and there is a pond full of trout for fishing. Just consider yourself at summer camp. Anything you want to do is fine by me. Make yourself at home.”

They arrived at the front door, and Chantell noticed the horses in the pasture, they were just as beautiful as Sierra and everything else around her. She got out of the car and followed Sierra into the house. To the right was a room that looked like an office, to her left was a room that looked like a den. She could see a huge big screen television. This lady seems to have a lot of money. I wondered how she got this rich?

As if reading her mind, Sierra said, “I am an author and I have done very well for myself. I had this house built to my needs and specifications. Let me call AAA and then I will give you the grand tour if you like.”

“Sure, I would like that. I have been out in this heat for awhile though, may I first take a shower to cool off?” Chantell asked.

“I should have realized that. I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking. Lets go to the kitchen first and get some iced tea and then I will show you where you can clean up.”

They proceeded to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of tea, then went upstairs to the bathroom. The bathroom had a huge sunken tub. Perfect for two people at least.

“In this cabinet are the towels, and any personal stuff you might want, shampoo, soap, and a bathrobe for you to put on. I will put some clothes in here for you to wear while you are in the shower. We are about the same size. T-shirt and shorts ok with you,” Sierra asked. “Or would you like a swimming suit?”

“T-shirt and shorts would be fine. I really appreciate your hospitality Sierra. I don’t know how I could ever thank you.”

“Don’t worry about thanking me, I always help out when I am needed. I have a soft spot for damsels in distress. I’ll let you take your shower now. I’ll be just down the hall if you need anything.”

Chantell turned the water on and climbed into the shower. It was so relaxing and for a minute she just let the water run over her, washing away the dust, soothing her aching body. She thought that she was lucky Sierra came by when she did. It was hot outside and who knows how long she would have been stranded. She took the bar of soap and started cleaning herself. She ran the soap up and down her legs. Got her breasts soapy, washed her arms and rinsed the soap off her body. She noticed a back brush and rubbed the soap all over it to get it soapy.

Meanwhile, Sierra had gone to her bedroom to get some clothes for Chantell to wear. When she came back, she opened the door to the bathroom and saw Chantell in the shower. She could just make out her figure and was admiring her body. She saw Chantell soaping her body and caressing her breasts. She felt the stirring of her loins while watching Chantell. She loved watching women shower, they were so relaxing to watch. It was very erotic watching Chantell lather herself. She saw her grab the back brush and watched as she applied soap to it. I wonder if she will use the brush the way I use it, she asked herself?

Chantell proceeded to run the brush up and down her back, it was coarse and felt very soothing to her back. She ran the brush across her nipples and was surprised at the sensation that it created. She kept rubbing it back and forth across her nipples. Her pussy was getting very wet. She wondered what it would feel like down there. She put some more soap on the brush and ran it down her stomach towards her clit. It felt so wonderful. She ran it back and forth. The shower was big enough for her to sit down and she placed herself so that the water was spraying her cunt with a pulsating stream of water.

Sierra was watching Chantell find a better position and knew exactly what she was about to do with the brush. She had, after all, done it herself a few times. She knew what Chantell was feeling. Sierra was getting excited. She hooked her fingers into her shorts and pulled them down to her knees. She pulled her shirt up over her breasts and proceeded to pinch her nipples and put her fingers in her cunt. She made little circles on her clit and was going to bring herself off by watching Chantell.

Chantell was oblivious to anything but the sensations she was feeling. She took the brush and ran it back and forth across her clit, pinching her nipples. She took the handle of the brush and inserted it into her steaming pussy. God it felt eskort bayan so good. She had not had anything in her pussy for weeks. She thrust the brush in and out. Faster and faster she went. She was working herself into a frenzy. She needed to release her frustrations of the divorce and all the other problems she had to contend with over the last couple of weeks. Faster and deeper went the brush. She was so close. She thrust the brush even deeper, working her clit faster and faster. She was fucking herself to a mind shattering orgasm.

Sierra was masturbating herself into her own mind shattering orgasm with her fingers. She wanted to take Chantell right there in the shower. She worked her fingers faster and faster. She was going to cum, while watching this gorgeous women fuck herself with the back brush. Damn this girl is so hot. I can’t wait to get her into my bed.

Chantell fucked herself even faster, then the next minute she was cumming, bucking her hips against the brush, not wanting it to end. She was transported to cloud nine by the orgasm. She was drained. She stood up and was just starting to clean up when she noticed Sierra masturbating out of the corner of her eye. She did not say a word. She pretended she was cleaning herself while keeping an eye on Sierra.

Sierra had her eyes closed and she did not know that Chantell was watching. She worked her fingers in and out of her cunt. Played with her clit and fucked herself faster and faster and took herself to cloud nine. She opened her eyes and glanced at Chantell. She pulled up her shorts, lowered her shirt and left the bathroom. Laying the clothes on the bed, she went downstairs to wait for Chantell.

Chantell watched Sierra bring herself to orgasm and then watched her leave the room. She wondered to herself if things could go further with them. She felt herself growing wet again when she had noticed Sierra watching her. Watching Sierra fuck herself had turned her on. She thought she might have to make the first move. She quickly finished the shower and dried off. Sierra had thoughtfully left her a shirt and shorts but she also left a swimming suit, it was a very revealing two-piece. Chantell put the swimming suit on. She was formulating a plan.

Sierra was in the kitchen fixing dinner when Chantell found her. Sierra looked up and down her body. “Feel better,” Sierra asked?

“Yes, it is the best shower I have had in a long time. Thanks for the suit by the way. It fits pretty good don’t you think?”

“It looks fantastic on you, almost like it was made for you,” Sierra said. Not taking her eyes off Chantell she asked Chantell if she had the chance to try the back brush.

“Oh the back brush is great, I will have to buy one when I get home. Never felt anything like it. You must use it all the time.”

Blushing slightly she says, “I thought I would fix us a salad. You must be hungry.”

“I sure am. I worked up an appetite today and the shower made me even hungrier. Can I help,” Chantell asked?

“Sure you can cut the tomatoes.”

Chantell grabbed the knife and stood next to Sierra and proceeded to cut the tomatoes. She could smell her perfume. It was intoxicating. They touched shoulders slightly and she thought she felt her shudder. They sat out on the patio to eat and talked about different things.

Sierra was an author. She wrote lesbian erotica. She was 32 years old. Her girlfriend had been with her for ten years. She had met someone on line and moved to Texas. She talked of the dreams that they had shared. The farm was Sierra’s idea. Growing up had been rough for her and she had always wanted a place to escape to. That is why she created Serenity Valley.

Chantell had married Michael right out of high school. She was a nerd in school and he was the class clown. He was awarded a scholarship to a school in California and she followed him. He got a law degree and Chantell played the dutiful wife. Michael started coming home later and later. Sometimes days would go by before she heard from him. He just never seemed to have the time. A letter arrived in the mail one day with photographs of Michael and another women, in the throes of passion. It had hurt her terrible and she confronted Michael. The divorce was very quick. She got the car and the house and five thousand dollars a month for alimony. They finished eating and Chantell decided it was time to put her plan into action.

“I noticed you have some horses. I always wanted to learn to ride but it is difficult to ride horses in Denver. Would you mind if we go for a ride,” asked Chantell?

“I would be happy to take you for a ride, you may want to put on jeans though! If you go into the second door on the right upstairs you will find my bedroom. Go in the closet and grab a pair of jeans and I will put away the dishes,” said Sierra.

Chantell went to the bedroom and found a pair of jeans. She took off her suit and put on the jeans. She left the bathing suit top on and grabbed a work shirt to put on. Before she left the room she sprayed altıparmak escort a touch of Sierra’s perfume.

They walked to the stable and Chantell admired the beautiful mares and stallions. They were standing in front of a beautiful Arabian white mare.

“This is Shilah, my favorite mare. I bought her about 3 years ago and we have become good friends,” Sierra said.

Sierra put the saddle on and brought the horse out of the stable. She mounted the horse and began to reach for Chantell. When their skin touched they both felt the sexual electricity flow between them. Sierra pulled her up and Chantell held on for dear life.

“How about a tour of my property,” asked Sierra.

“I would love to see that pond you were talking about earlier. I love to go fishing and camping. It sounds beautiful. Is that ok with you,” Chantell asked?

“Sure let’s go there.”

Sierra handled the horse very well and pretty soon Chantell began to relax. She was very nervous at first but felt that Sierra knew what she was doing. She was taking in the scenery, when the horse started running, and in her panic she grabbed a hold of Sierra not around the waist but both hands had managed to grab her breasts. Sierra said nothing and Chantell did not remove her hands. The horse slowed down and Chantell slid her hands to Sierra’s waist. A few minutes later they were at the pond. Huge oak trees surrounded the pond and there was a patch of grass that looked like it had been cut recently. Sierra got down off the horse and tied her to the tree. She reached up to Chantell and helped her to the ground.

When Chantell was on the ground Sierra did not let go. They both looked into each other’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity. The sexual tension was really flowing now. Sierra looked away first. They walked to the edge of the pond. It was still hot out and the water looked so inviting.

“Can we swim in here,” Chantell asked.

“In this part of the pond we can. It has a sandy bottom. I have to warn you though it is only about 10 feet deep.”

Chantell removed the shirt and started to take off her jeans, and Sierra was doing the same. Neither was wearing underwear and Sierra was going to swim in her bra until she looked over at Chantell and saw she was totally naked. Sierra removed the rest of her clothes and walked into the water with Chantell close behind her.

The water was very cool but not cold. The two women splashed each other playfully for a few minutes. Chantell was inching her way towards Sierra and reached up to touch her hair.

“Your red hair is so beautiful in this sunlight. You are very beautiful.” Her hand moved to her shoulder and down her arm. She grabbed her hand and pulled her close. They embraced.

Chantell and Sierra remained in the embrace while their hands were exploring each other’s backs. Chantell leaned in closer and took in the very essence of Sierra and kissed her neck. She backed up just for an instant and looked at Sierra. Sierra took Chantell in her arms and kissed her briefly on the lips. It was almost too much for Chantell. The feeling was nothing like she had ever felt before. She kissed Sierra on the lips. Chantell was hungry for those lips. She wanted to kiss those lips forever, her tongue wanted in the delicious mouth and Sierra let her in. They sucked each others tongue and kissed until they broke apart begging for air.

Sierra lifted Chantell and carried her to shore. She laid Chantell down on the grass and lay down besides her leaning on her elbow. She slowly ran her fingers ever so slightly across her skin. Touching her everywhere. She leaned into her and kissed her again on the lips. Fire was burning in their mouths. Chantell was squirming against the grass. Raising her hips to encourage Sierra to continue. Sierra took her ear lobe and pulled it into her mouth, sucking and pulling on it. Chantell moaned in pleasure. Sierra kissed her cheek, her eyelids, moving down her body. She brushed her nipples lightly and kissed her neck.

Chantell was in heaven. She had never felt such excitement before. Was this the way it always was? She wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do and she wasn’t sure what to do with her hands. She reached for Sierra and pulled her close but Sierra said, “Just relax darling and let me do all the work. I will stop if you want me too.”

“No, please don’t stop. I will die if you stop now. I just don’t know what to do.”

“Just let me take you to heaven darling and then we will do whatever you want.”

Sierra started kissing Chantell again and moved down to her breasts. She kissed and licked both breasts. Chantell was squirming and bucking her hips. Sierra took one nipple in her mouth and gently started sucking it. With her other hand she was running it up and down her leg not quite touching her pussy. She took the other nipple in her mouth and sucked and licked. She kissed her belly. Stopping at her bellybutton and licking inside it. Moving down her stomach to her right leg and kissing her way down her leg to her foot. She took a toe into her mouth and sucked it like there was no tomorrow. She did the same to the other foot. She worked her way up her left leg to Chantell’s sweet spot. She looked quickly at her face and saw the passion written all over her. Chantell was begging with her eyes for her to continue.

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