Plastic Cups

I had had so many Friday nights like this one, the parties were getting monotonous, like an obligation, one of the motions a college student goes through. Holding the requisite red plastic cup, this night it was more apparent than usual how even in the slightly marginal circles I frequented, these events were somehow universal, bland, and everyone pretended they enjoyed it. Tonight I had gone to a new house, people didn’t know me as much, they had probably heard a bit, but I guessed that I would still get at least a few men coming on to me. I expected this, and to some extent enjoyed it.

The blond downing drink after drink and sitting alone was no doubt going to be targeted, after a few drinks even those who knew I was gay tried their best moves. Each time they were surprised when no matter how many drink I had I could turn to them when I was fed up with it and say in an even tone, “I have no interest in any penis, let alone yours.” I enjoyed their reactions when I said that. It didn’t look like I would have anyone to shock tonight, however, they were all occupied with something or other or staring into their plastic cups or the tv like it would give them some relief from the mess of their lives.

People filtered in and out of the house, I looked up just as a petite brunette walked in on the arm of some scruffy, probably nice, but totally passionless man. She was in my history class and we had talked a few times, laughing at the way our professor couldn’t pronounce the french cities he was supposed to be teaching us about. After filling their cups at the keg, she saw me and come over to sit on the empty half of the sofa I was on. She sat and her mini skirt rode up her thighs, exposing her legs even more, and I thought I caught a glimpse of her pink panties before she crossed her legs. bursa escort

I knew I had to find a way to see those panties up close.

We chatted, talking about this and that while her boyfriend watched alton brown on the television with the other brainless partiers. I knew she had never been with a woman before and I didn’t think she picked up on my orientation, even though my bookbag was adorned with rainbows. Pleasant to talk to, I could sense some sadness in her voice, it made me even more resolved to get her upstairs to the bedroom of whoever’s house I was in. I flirted casually and she smiled and became more playful, telling me that she might go skydiving next summer.

I reached in my purse to find my papers, “I’m going outside for a moment, want to come with?” I asked, glaring at anyone else who noticed what I had in my purse.

She looked over next to her, where her boyfriend had got up to get another drink. “Sure.”

We got outside and I rolled up my joint. I didn’t smoke very much, this was the last of the stash I had from my friend who had gone to Jamaica last November and somehow managed to bring it back. I inhaled deeply, savoring the taste and feel of the drug. She watched my actions, sitting next to me on the porch steps.

“You smoke?” She shook her head.

“You want to?”

A worried look came over her face and she shrugged, “I don’t know, I never have before.”

I hope smoking isn’t the only thing she tries for the first time tonight I thought as I inhaled, held the smoke in my mouth then turned her towards me to give her the smoke from my mouth. She exhaled, a bit awkwardly, and smiled.

“Like it? Here,” I handed what was left to her and she tried to smoke it herself.

We laughed as she coughed and handed bursa escort bayan it back so I could finish it and then press it under my foot on the ground. we both stared ahead into the night sky, it was beautifully clear, we sat in silence for a moment, neither one of us wanting to go back inside.

“Hey I like your skirt,” I said and touched the edge of it on her thigh.

She turned towards me and looked in my eyes, “Thank you, I’m definitely not as beautiful as you, I bet you could get any boy you wanted.”

That made me smile and pull her close to kiss her full on. She didn’t resist, I could feel her body heating as mine was.

“I don’t want a boy,” I replied after we had separated. We both giggled.

“Here,” I took her hand and led her up the stairs.

People in eyesight stared at us, the one who knew me were used to the sight of me hand in hand with a girl, but to others they had no idea a feminine, blond confident woman such a myself would not be walking up those stairs with a man. I held her hand tight to give her strength, I knew it wasn’t easy for her to feel the eyes of everyone on her. After we got up the stairs and entered the room, I shut the door and sat her on the bed. Leaning over and kissing her neck, the top of her breasts I could hear her breath getting harder. I reached my hand up and down her thigh, he silky skirt easily slid upward and I could see her pink panties, just like I thought. And they were wet too, good. The drinks and slightly altered state of mind of the drugs were just enough that we both were in the moment, not caring about anything else.

I pulled up her skirt and took off her panties. I massaged her pussy and she moaned. She kissed me and reached to pull up the skirt of bursa merkez escort my dress like I had done with hers. I slipped out of my panties and sat straddling her, her fingers feeling their way down to my wetness. Back and forth my hand stroked her clit and slid in and out of her slightly, just barely entering her. She copied my movements, surprising me with the ease of her movements. Soon I had my fingers in her, stroking and curling them, and hers were in me. We kissed and our bodies moved together, as we gave each other pleasure. I forcefully pushed my slim fingers in and out of her beautiful shaved smooth pussy, soon she could not keep up in me which is what I was aiming for. I let her lean back and increased my speed and movement. I used both hands, one rubbing on her small cute clit. Soon, she orgasmed hard, screaming out as she came, breathing deeply, it lasted a few seconds then she came back down, my fingers still working inside her.

“Oh my gosh..” she breathed.

Still riding the afterglow she managed to sit up and finger me again. Seeing her come and her sweet pussy I was so close already, my juices flowing out, I still had my fingers in her, and it didn’t take her much work before she and I both came together. Someone downstairs most likely heard us, but I didn’t care, all that mattered was her body and my body. My breath hot against her moist skin I kissed her, our skirts were soiled, it was pure chance that we both had on skirts that day, most women wore jeans at school and at parties, skirts were reserved for special occasions. Perhaps we both knew that this was going to be a special occasion. We hugged each others bodies close and snuggled into the bed. I picked a good room, it was clean and the sheets smelled of lavender.

“Lets do this again.” she said.

I smiled, and could hear her scruffy boy talking about snowy owls with some hippie downstairs. They both sounded like they were drunk but trying to appear sober.

“Lets do this many more times,” I said.

And she curled up tighter in my arms, apparently happy with that response.

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