Northeastern Belle

Note to the reader: The following was written as part of a friendly contest on the General Board here at Literotica. There are 9 other stories, all of which I hope you will take the time to read. The parameters were that the story remain under 800 words and take place on a college campus. Meeting such criteria allowed my examination of my style and to write in a manner I’m not accustomed to. Well worth the time invested. Enjoy an escapade with Sarah and Lauren.

* * * * *

Sarah peers down between her breasts, Lauren’s brown eyes intently stare back as she flicks the wet, throbbing clit with the tip of her tongue, forcing Sarah over the edge. Sarah moans, throwing her head back, clenching her fists, her legs twitching for the third time tonight. Moving up to lay beside her roommate, Lauren caresses her stomach, the sweat mingling with the juices on her hands, nodding off as Sarah follows into sleep full bliss.

A small lamp upon the desk the only light in the room as Sarah woke a few hours later, Lauren beside her breathing softly. A deep breath arose as she lay remembering the first taste of her new lover, first experiencing a woman.


Sarah returned to the room late that first night of physical bursa eskort connection, frustrated and tired from a long Chemistry study session. She clicked on a small lamp and saw Lauren in bed, talking on the phone. She put down her books, quickly peeled off her clothes down to a T-shirt and panties and discarded her bra on the floor. Lauren rolled over to face the opposite direction. Sarah paid little attention as she was too tired to leave the room to allow Eric and Lauren privacy. She chose, instead, to slide into bed and relax.

Lauren tried to remain quiet but Eric’s masturbation as her roommate entered made it difficult. Her hand wandered between her legs, caressing her moist lips and clit, sliding two fingers in and passing the sound along to Eric’s ear. His speed increased each time she moaned.

Sarah noted the hushed words of her roomie and began to listen, breathing slowly so she might hear each word with clarity. She had arrived in the middle of one of their phone sex sessions and now her mind was racing. Her frustration and stress began to turn physical, her nipples stiffened at the thought. She had to be quick. While Lauren faced away she could sneak an orgasm. She slid her suddenly moist bursa bayan escort panties down, spread her thighs and looked over at Lauren. She immediately started rubbing her clit with her left thumb as fingers found their way inside her folds, squeezing herself, knowing a few minutes was all she needed.

Lauren heard breathing that wasn’t coming from Eric. He’d grown quiet, as he often did when close to shooting his cum onto his chest. Lauren shifted her body, now able to see her roommate. Sarah’s eyes were closed, legs pushed wide beneath a thin blanket. Sarah was rubbing her cunt and a shiver ran through Lauren at the sight.

Without thought, Lauren put Eric on speaker phone and heard his soft breaths cascade into the room. Sarah’s head snapped toward Lauren. Lauren’s finger to her lips, telling Sarah to remain quiet. Lauren knew she sucked Sarah in. A smile passed over Lauren’s face as her shy friend was no longer so withdrawn. Lauren pushed the sheet down to reveal her body in the pale light. Her breasts caught Sarah’s eye as Lauren revealed her fingers pumping in and out of her sopping wet pussy.

Sarah stared as Lauren urged Eric to cum for her, to fuck bursa ucuz escort her and blow his load all over her tits. Sarah lost what restraint she had left and orgasmed suddenly, before she was ready. She never stopped working her clit, only kicked her coverings free and shuddered as the cool air struck her the moment Lauren’s eyes did.

Eric gasped on the line as the women stared into each other’s eyes. Fingers feverishly at work as Lauren pinched her nipple hard, causing Sarah to follow suit. Eric was cumming, groaning and grunting, his breath spilling forth upon orgasm. Lauren promptly killed the connection, throwing silence into the room. She swung around and faced Sarah. Lauren’s knees were bent at the edge of the bed and her legs spread wide. Focused on Sarah, she spread her engorged lips with one hand and began pumping into herself with force and abandon.

Sarah was transfixed, watching the sweet, golden pussy only a few feet away, open and wet. Lauren looked dead at her, Sarah couldn’t escape the moment.

Desire overwhelmed her, she had no choice. Sarah moved quickly to the floor, on her knees between Lauren’s legs, she pushed forward and before even so much as a lick, her tongue was inside, her face covered in juices for the first time.


Sarah realized Lauren was stirring beside her, the sun peeking into the room and Sarah’s hand pulling her wetness up and to her mouth. In a few moments memories wouldn’t be necessary, her mouth sucking at Lauren’s clit once again.

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