Sexy new neighbor rolls in
Unlike most of her neighbors, Sue decided to plant her own flowerbeds. She hired a gardener to do the weekly lawn mowing and maintenance but wanted to do the initial planting. Already, she’d put roses in around the pool and other plants that the landscape architect suggested to put in as part of the plan. Now that she was almost finished, the exterior of the house was looking as nice as the inside. It had taken longer than she thought, but now the house was truly done.
Sue stood with her hands on her hips, looking down at the bed when an S-class Mercedes pulled into the driveway next to her house. A dark haired woman rolled down the window and said “Hi…”
Sue had never met the woman because, as far as she could tell, no one had been home since she moved in a month ago. Obviously, she was either her neighbor or associated with the owner.
Sue waved and, trying to be friendly, said “Hi…”
The door opened and the first thing that came out was the frame of a lightweight wheel chair. The woman quickly opened it, attached one wheel and then the other. The last thing that came out was a black cushion that velcro’d into position.
Sue started to walk over thinking she could help and stopped when the woman waved and simply said, “I’ve been doing this for more than twenty-two years.”
She watched while the woman lifted herself off the car seat and onto the wheelchair. She then pulled her legs out and placed them on the stirrups before using a wide Velcro strap to hold each one on the footrest. Expertly, she spun the chair so she was facing Sue. “Hi, I’m Liz Henderson and I’m your neighbor.
Sue walked over and held out her hand. “Susan Raymond. My friends call me Sue. It is nice to meet you. Can I get anything out of your car?”
“Sure, there are some groceries on the back seat.”
Sue picked up two handfuls of plastic bag handles and stood there awkwardly holding them. “Do you want me to carry them in?”
“If you don’t mind. There’s some more stuff in the trunk so you’ll have to make two trips.”
“I don’t mind.”
She followed Liz into the house and put the first load on the counter that was lower than normal. Each counter in the kitchen had a cut-out under which Sue assumed Liz could park her wheelchair. Liz was organizing the food on the counter to make it easier to put away when Sue came in with the second load of bags. Liz gave her directions as where things went and before she knew it, she’d helped the woman put everything away.
Liz pulled back on one wheel and pushed on the other to spin her chair so she could face Sue. Liz’s muscular shoulders and withered legs were the giveaways that she’d been using a wheelchair for a long time.
“Sue, may I get you a glass of ice water or a Coke or something?”
“Water would be wonderful?”
“Sure.” Sue’s eyes darted around looking for signs of children or a significant other. Her realtor told her that she thought her neighbor was single.
Liz retrieved a large glass, stuck it the door and waited for several cubes of ice before filling it. She handed it to Sue and then made one for herself. “Again, Sue, thanks.”
There was something about Liz that Sue liked. “No problem.” She took a sip and decided to be direct. “How about dinner tonight?” Eating with someone had to be better than eating alone.
“As in a dinner date? Or, as in one or both of us cooking?”
“Either way, but if I had a preference, let’s eat out. I could go for a steak and I heard Bob’s was really good.”
“Well, if you want a steak, the best place to go is Pappas Brothers. I’ll make a reservation for seven-thirty or a little later. Why don’t you come over about six-thirty and we can have a glass of wine before we go. It’ll only take us about fifteen minutes to get there from here. And, if you don’t mind, I’ll drive. Trust me, being in a wheelchair has its advantages when it comes to parking places!”
“Done. I’ll even wear a dress.”
Liz giggled. “I heard on the grapevine while I was away, that a tomboy moved in next door. I couldn’t wait to meet you. Highland Park is kind of stuffy at times.”
“Where were you?”
“Palm Springs. My parents live out there and I flew out for two weeks that turned into six after my mother fell and broke her hip. It was fun watching her learn how to move around in a wheelchair. She’s now back on her feet and should be fine.”
“That’s wonderful. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. I’ve got some stuff to do around the house.”
“Me too.”
When she walked up to the front door, Sue was wearing a simple dark gray dress and a necklace with a large, six carat diamond and, underneath, nothing but a bra and panties. It was summer in Dallas and hot so she chose not to wear panty hose. She rang the doorbell five minutes early and didn’t know why.
A voice from a speaker blared, “Sue, its open.” She heard a clunk of a deadbolt retracting and opened the knob. “I’m in the living room.”
Liz was pouring a glass of red wine. “I hope you like bursa escort fruity Shiraz’s because that is what I had open.”
“I love them.” She held up the glass and said, “New friends” as she leaned over slightly so they could clink glasses.
“O.K., I have two choices when it comes to mobility. I can go upright or in my wheel chair. By upright, it means I put on my leg braces and can walk, if you want to call it that, with crutches. Getting up out of a chair and sitting down in one is a bit of pain, but I like the idea that I can get stand up and move around. I can get the braces on in about fifteen minutes by myself, or faster with your help.”
Sue looked down at Liz. “Chair.”
“That makes it easy. By the way, welcome to Highland Park.”
Sue sat on the couch opposite Liz and as she spoke, took a visual inventory. Standing she guessed they would be about the same height, she had dark, chestnut colored hair, average size boobs and a wonderful smile. “Thanks. So what did you hear about me?”
Liz giggled. “You were in your late forties, very well off, single, came from California and not a native Texan. And, I was told you owned a ranch, liked fast cars, was a pilot who flew her own airplane and was very good looking.”
“A lot of that is accurate. I’m just not the high society type. And, they left out that I am retired.”
“I heard that? What did you do?”
“I made a lot of money in the security business and let’s leave it at that.”
“Ohhhh, very mysterious.”
Sue didn’t respond. If Liz pressed her, she’d claim client confidentiality. For most people, that was enough.
Liz was right. A handicap license plate got them a parking place right out front and Liz told the parking lot attendant she didn’t need help getting out of the car, he just needed to hand her the pieces to her wheel chair that was behind the front seat.
Before they left, Liz explained their reservation was for eight because there were no tables available at seven-thirty. While they were waiting, the smells coming from the kitchen were stimulating Sue’s appetite. Sue thought the steaks were going to be wonderful.
She was standing next to Liz’s chair looking over the restaurant when she felt a soft hand caress her inner thigh, just above the knee. She looked down and Liz had a guilty smile on her face.
Over dinner, Liz volunteered that when she was twenty-four, she was hit by a drunk driver whose car jumped the curb and hit her. The impact knocked her into a light pole and drove her vertebrae into her spinal column. Instantly, she became what was known as an L-2 incomplete. What it meant was she had some control over her bodily functions but none over her muscles from just above her hips down.
Liz’s investment banker husband left her while she was in rehab and she’s been single ever since. He lived in New York and she hadn’t heard from him in years. And, Liz said, she has now been in the wheelchair a year longer than she could walk.
Sue’s bio included that she was an only child and both parents died of different types of cancer when she was in college. She was looking for something interesting to do and joined the Navy to become a pilot. He degree was in computer science and just before her commitment was up, a government agency a.k.a. the CIA came calling to see if she was interested in “contract” security work.
She didn’t mention what the security work was or who the agency was, but it was covert operations. Liz excelled at it and she was “loaned” out to other friendly intelligence agencies and negotiated her fees for each “project.” The reality is that the agreements she signed prevented her from either talking or writing about her experience so the best answer was her confidentiality agreements that went with her work prevented her from discussing them. Not only was it true, much what she did would be considered, at best, in the gray area between legal and illegal. What wasn’t gray was illegal and if caught outside the U.S., she would spent the rest of her life, if not tortured to death, in an unpleasant jail.
The good news is that she made a lot of money and could retire. Retirement, changing residences and going back to her real name before she got into the covert operations business was one of the reasons she moved to Dallas. If she decided to work for someone else, she could, on an application, list the CIA as an employer and it would check out.
Sue told Liz enough about her background and talked mostly about what countries she visited than anything else. Most of Liz’s questions were about flying. She told her that she never married and about fifteen years ago, bought her first plane was a Mooney 252 and after flying it for several years, she bought a Piper Malibu. Sue liked the idea of a pressurized cabin and decided to buy her current airplane, a Socata TBM 850. The single engine turboprop had a cruising speed of about 320 knots at twenty thousand feet.
Liz’s parents made their money investing in land and developing it into hospitals and clinics. Her father retired escort bursa several years ago and moved to Palm Springs where they commuted between Palm Springs in the winter and a home in Vail in the summer. Liz stayed in Dallas where she grew up and went to Southern Methodist University’s Dedman School of Law after she was paralyzed.
Single and without much of a social life, Liz immersed herself in her work. Five years, and three big wins in court later, she was elected as a partner in a large, local law firm. A few years ago, she got tired of the rat race and decided to live off her nest egg and her trust fund.
On the way out after a leisurely dinner and enjoyable dinner, Liz told Sue to let the parking lot attendant help her. Sue stood with the passenger door open as Liz directed the parking lot attendant on how she to disassemble her wheelchair and stack in the back seat of her Mercedes.
As they stopped at the edge of the parking lot, waiting for traffic, Liz put her right hand on Sue’s thigh. “How about a night cap at either your house or mine?”
“Mine, since I asked you out.”
“Done. I even know how to get there.”
Sue suggested Liz pull around to the back of her house so she didn’t have to go up the front steps. As soon as they stopped, Sue got out and went to the back door behind the driver. Without asking she started to assemble the chair, expecting a reprimand any second.
When none came, she positioned it where Liz normally had it, made sure the wheels were locked and stepped back. Liz turned in her seat, with her feet still in the foot well and reached for her hand. “You know there is another way for me to get out.”
Sue gave her a quizzical look and Liz clasped both hands behind Sue’s neck. “You could lift me out the car and put me in my chair, or you could carry me into your house.”
By now, their faces were inches apart and Sue kissed Liz on the lips. It felt like the right thing to do. Liz responded and quickly they were exploring each other’s mouths.
When they came up for air, Sue slid her left arm under Liz’s thighs and her right around her back. Liz put her arms around Sue’s neck as her new friend gently lifted her out of the car and placed her on the cushion. As she watched Liz strap her lower legs to the chair – she’d explained earlier that she wouldn’t know off her feet fell off the footplates, so she had a strap to keep them in place – Sue said, “I don’t want to have to come out later and get your chair.”
Liz laughed and started wheeling to the sliding back door that led to the living room. Once there, Sue offered Liz her choice of alcoholic drinks, and Liz asked what Sue was going to drink. Sue said scotch and was pleasantly surprise to learn Liz wanted the same, also neat.
By the time Sue was finished playing bartender, Liz had transferred from her wheelchair to the couch. She pulled her withered legs to the side so her feet, now shoeless, were next to her butt. Liz patted the cushion next to her as if too say “sit here.”
“Liz, how’d you know I was a lesbian?”
“I guessed by the way you style you hair suggested that you were butch. And, you never mentioned every being married or guys. I wasn’t sure but when I caressed your inner thigh, I knew. You were hot and wet and I knew you wanted me.” She leaned over and kissed Sue. “And the rest will be history.”
Sue responding caressing Liz’s breasts who began to moan with pleasure. “They’re very sensitive. Keep it up and I will be putty in your hands.”
Liz unbuttoned her blouse and shrugged it off while Sue pulled both Liz’s legs onto her lap and kneaded the soft flesh, starting with the calf that was, she thought no more than eight inches around. As she moved up to Liz’s thigh, it wasn’t much bigger – just bone and malleable flesh.
“Let me show you one of the advantages of being paraplegic.” With that Liz pulled one leg effortlessly toward her chest so her thigh pressed against a breast. “With no working nerves or muscles to tear, I’m really flexible. Sue noticed that without her shoes on, Liz’s foot flopped around when Liz moved her legs and she thought it was very sexy.
Sue slid her hand up Liz’s thigh and started caressing her vagina through her very wet panties. Liz pulled Sue close and feverishly kissed her on the lips. When they came up for air, Sue said, “I think we’ll have much more fun on my bed.”
“Me too.”
Sue scooped Liz up and carried her to the bed, enjoying the way her paralyzed legs hung limply over her arm and gently put Liz down on the mattress. Liz leaned back, using her arms to prop herself and watched Sue pull off her dress and drop her panties and bra. “Just so you know, I can’t just sit up because I have no control over my lower body so I need to be propped up.”
“You can watch and enjoy what I am going to do because you can’t feel it, but I want to do this. Your legs are so sexy.”
Sue knelt down at the edge of the bed and started kissing each of Liz’s legs beginning with her toes before placing one on each shoulder. “Liz, I know bursa escort bayan you can’t feel what I am doing. Watching your feet flop around as I move your legs turns me on. Oh my God, I love them.”
“Hmmmm, I’m glad you like them.”
Sue buried her face in Liz’s crotch, starting by licking and sucking on the outer lips until she felt the little bud. Unlike normal women, Liz’s, due to her paralysis, didn’t get bigger. Liz couldn’t feel Sue’s tongue, yet she gushed fluids that delighted Sue and covered her cheeks.
Liz used her hands and caressed the back of Sue’s head as she ate her. Occasional muffled moans came out of Sue’s mouth and she could feel Sue stiffen and shudder as an orgasm over came her. The intense pleasure made her shove her face harder into Liz’s pussy and she shuddered again, this time more violently.
Gently, Liz pulled up on Sue’s head and looked at the woman whose eyes were glazed over with pleasure. Sue took the hint and lifted Liz farther up on the bed and after sharing a mouthful of Liz’s juice with a long French kiss, Sue started working over Liz’s breasts with her mouth. The breast that wasn’t getting attention from her mouth got it from her hand.
Liz’s head began to move and moans came out of her mouth as Sue caressed the line where Liz’s paralysis ended and feeling began. “Ohhhhhhh, Sue, that’s wonderful!! Ohhhhhhhh! Oh, OH! OHHHHH!! I’m cumming!! Oh my God…
Liz’s upper body shook. Sue could feel the non-paralyzed part of her body shudder with the pleasure that came from an intense orgasm. The rest, stayed limp on the bed, unmoving and it turned Sue on even more. She kept up her work on Liz’s very sensitive breasts and the line between paralysis and feeling.
“Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, I’m cumming again!! Sue, don’t stop what you are doing.”
Sue didn’t need any encouragement. Liz tried to hold Sue, but the intense pleasure flowing through her body made her upper body twist and her arms flail wildly. Her ability to make coordinated movements was lost in her orgasms.
Liz who was struggling to breathe, needed a break so she gently pushed Sue away. After catching her breath, Liz French kissed Sue. When she finished, Liz put her finger on Sue’s lips. “I want to eat you and make you cum.”
Sue rolled over on her back and spread her legs. Liz quickly got into position so she could eat Sue. Her legs were splayed wildly and Sue eased them so her thighs were on each side of her head. She pulled them close and alternating kissing them and enjoying their soft texture.
Liz’s tongue on Sue’s clit hit her like a bolt of lighting. Immediately, Sue came and each wave of pleasure was stronger than the one before. All Sue wanted to do is bury her face in Liz’s pussy that was a tantalizing three or four inches from her mouth. She could smell and sense the fluids coming out but couldn’t get there.
And, then Sue came. The force took her breath away. The intensity of the orgasm had her seeing stars. Then, Sue’s body went limp as if it didn’t have any feeling and then, Liz went back to her clit and the pleasure almost knocked her out. Sue bucked, shook and shuddered, seemingly all at once.
Liz rested her cheek on Sue’s thigh. It was soaking wet and she had a mouthful of her juice she wanted to share it with Sue. She started to move and Sue helped her roll on top of her so they were face to face. Liz shared her lover’s cum and then when they were finished, she lay her head on Sue’s shoulder.
Neither woman said a word for a long time while Sue wrapped her arms and legs around Liz and held her close. Liz turned to Sue, “That was intense.”
“Yes it was.”
“Sue, do you want to do it again?”
“I do, but I need to come down. I want to explore your body. I can’t believe how much I love the way your legs feel and your feet dangle. I’d love to see you in braces.”
“Well, I have a deal for you. I’ll tell you where they are in my house and you can bring them here along with my crutches. In the meantime, you can park my car in my driveway so our neighbors don’t start talking.”
“I can’t use hand controls?”
“No need. The pedals are still there. Take your time and don’t wreck it.”
Twenty minutes later, Sue was back with the leg braces, the structure that went around her hips and a pair of forearm crutches. She also brought back, as instructed a pair of sneakers.
“Success. No damage to the car and you got everything.”
Liz took inventory of what Sue laid on the bed. “Its now show time and before I put my braces, I have a show for you. I have to pee and you’re going to watch me drag my useless legs across the floor. I’ll bet you will have an orgasm watching me.”
Liz lowered her naked body to the floor and it hit with a soft thump. Then, she arranged her legs on one side, and started lifting her butt off the hardwood floor, putting it down a few inches in the direction she wanted to move. Her limp, flaccid legs followed and her toes were aligned with her calves rather than in the normal position. When Liz got to the bathroom, she pulled herself up on to the seat using the tub and the commode for leverage. Once on the seat, she spread her legs while looking at Sue who was standing in the doorway with a goofy, pleasure filled look.
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