Girls of Alpha Beta Delta Ch. 07

When Jenny awoke, bright sunlight was streaming in through the windows. She yawned and stretched contentedly; she felt happy, relaxed, and gloriously free. Something had changed in her since the previous day. She would never be the same, and the feeling was exciting; she was eager to expand her boundaries even further.

She looked over at Kristin sleeping next to her, still in her white dress from the night before, and a wave of affection swept over her as she remembered the pleasure Kristin had brought her. Suddenly she was struck with an impulse: She would return the favor. It was only right, after all.

She pulled aside the sheet that was draped over Kristin. The dress had ridden up around Kristin’s waist and she wasn’t wearing underwear, so her soft blond bush was out in the open. Jenny leaned down and began to kiss and lick all around it. Kristin stirred, aware that something was happening, but still half in a dream. She sighed and spread her legs.

After a moment’s hesitation, Jenny bent down and took her first taste of another girl’s pussy. It was a complex, slightly bitter taste, but she decided she liked it. She pushed her tongue inside as she remembered Kristin doing the night before; the blonde pushed forward to meet her mouth.

Jenny was unskilled and clumsy – in fact she had only the vaguest idea of how the clitoris really worked – but she was eager and sincere, and eventually she was able to bring Kristin to an orgasm that was bursa escort all the sweeter for being so long delayed.

Kristin pulled Jenny up to lay on top of her. When they kissed, Kristin felt a sharp little thrill at tasting herself on Jenny’s lips. In fact much of Jenny’s face was moist with Kristin’s juices; she’d gotten quite into it, apparently. Kristin pushed Jenny’s hair back and whispered in her ear, “Now suck my tits.”

Just 24 hours ago, Jenny could never have imagined that it would excite her to be talked to that way. She felt an insistent throbbing between her legs as she obediently pulled Kristin’s dress down, releasing the older girl’s firm, ample breasts. Leaning down, Jenny began to nurse on Kristin’s left nipple; it was warm, soft, and salty in her mouth.

Kristin reclined and enjoyed the sensation, watching the younger girl’s black hair bob up and down as she moved back and forth from one breast to the other. For three years now she’d been waiting for the day she’d get a freshman of her very own, and already Jenny was exceeding her expectations. She still had a lot to learn, of course, and Kristin was going to enjoy teaching her. But there was no need to hurry. They had plenty of time.

* * *

“OK,” Kristin said to Jenny after a while. “Let’s go get some breakfast.”

Jenny’s overnight bag had mysteriously appeared in the room during the night; she and Kristin got dressed and made their way downstairs to the escort bursa dining room, where an extensive buffet was set up. Jenny was famished. She piled a plate high with pastry and fruit, then looked around for a place to sit. There at a corner table were Emma and April. Seeing her roommate, Jenny felt self-conscious for the first time that day. She felt a pang of shame at what she had done with Kristin. But then she realized that April must have been doing the same things with Emma. Certainly they both had glowing smiles on their faces.

“Come sit with us,” said Emma, indicating two empty chairs at their table. Jenny hesitated, but Kristin put her hand on Jenny’s back and steered her in that direction.

“Did you know these two were roommates in the dorms?” Kristin asked Emma.

The redhead shook her head no, looking Jenny over appraisingly. “Interesting.”

“We should all hang out together sometime,” said Kristin.

“Absolutely,” said Emma, licking her lips as she popped a strawberry into her mouth. “The sooner the better.”

The rest of their conversation consisted of pleasant, ordinary chitchat. After Emma and April finished and excused themselves, Kristin said to Jenny, “I have some errands to run today. Why don’t you go back to the dorms and pack up your stuff.”

“Pack up?” asked Jenny.

“Starting tomorrow you’ll be moving into the freshman barracks on the second floor. Tonight, though, I want to see you at bursa escort bayan my door at 8:00 sharp. Got it?”

“OK,” said Jenny. “Sure. 8:00.”

“Great,” said Kristin. “See you then.” She leaned over and kissed Jenny softly on the cheek, taking the opportunity to whisper, “I had a great time last night. And this morning.”

Jenny couldn’t stop herself from breaking into a silly grin and turning bright red. “Me too,” she answered, her eyes cast shyly downward.

Back at the dorm room, Jenny found she had a hard time looking April in the eye. She felt like kind of a hypocrite, having resisted April so stubbornly, and given it up so easily to Kristin. And in the light of day, away from the environment of ABD House, the whole thing seemed so strange. She replayed the events of the last day in her head over and over. It had started off normally enough: dinner with a bunch of potential sorority sisters. Next thing she knew she had been blindfolded, stripped, chosen, and leashed. And far from trying to stop it, she had been a willing accomplice. In her heart of hearts she knew that she had wanted it to happen. When the time came, she had eagerly accepted Kristin’s intimate caresses, and been more than willing to return the favor. What did this make her?

April, in contrast, was as carefree as could be, singing to herself as she glided around the room packing her suitcase. What would happen to this room, Jenny wondered. Would she still have to pay for it? There had been no mention of rent at ABD, so maybe it made no difference. There was no point thinking too much about it, she decided. There was something magical going on, and if she let it happen, she was sure everything would work out.

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