All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I’m hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.
This story depicts lesbian sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.
Eleanor had purposely got to the front of the check in queue so that she could board the plane early. It made sense as she was booked into a window seat at the back of the plane, and it was her experience that people took an age to stow their cabin baggage away. The tall 24-year-old blond was pleased with her look as it turned heads when she wanted to. She was slim with long legs, little or no butt, a smile that was broad and bright, straight blonde hair down to the middle of her back. Her only feature she was not happy with was her breasts. It wasn’t that they didn’t exist, she filled a 32B bra but she read a lot of online porn which always seemed to feature large breasted women and as much as she wore lift up bra’s, sometimes with extra padding, they never looked right. Her Mum had large boobs as did her older sister but for some reason they had illuded Eleanor. The young blond had already flicked through the on-flight magazine while she waited and could see the last few passengers boarding, ‘Maybe I’ll have the whole row to myself’ she thought.
A minute later the thought had disappeared as a middle-aged woman took the aisle seat near her. The new visitor smiled broadly and said as she held out her hand “Hello I’m Sharon, I guess we’ll be travel buddies for the foreseeable. I bet you were hoping that you’d have the row to yourself. At least it’s not some stuffy old bloke.”
Eleanor giggled and shook the offered hand “Eleanor or Ellie. I had just wondered that I might be able to stretch out but it’s very nice to meet you all the same especially as you aren’t ‘some stuffy old bloke’.” The young blond immediately spotted to distinct features about her travel companion, the first was her natural friendly smile that spread across her face. The other were her spectacular boobs that seemed in fitting with the rest of her tall curvy persona.
Both shared a laugh at Ellie’s reply and Sharon asked “So what gets you travelling the red eye across continents. Business or Pleasure?” She had missed the young blond checking out her chest, not that she minded as it was a popular reaction from men and women alike.
Ellie nodded and replied “Purely business. I have an exhibition to attend the day after tomorrow.”
Sharon’s interest heightened “Don’t tell me you’re going to Undiefest too?”
Ellie asked “Undiefest? If you mean to the Lingerie show at the main exhibition centre, then yes. I’m on my firms stand for three days. I think they’re hoping some young females will tempt the big multi-national buyers to the stall.”
Sharon was enjoying this conversation “I can see their point. I’m a buyer for Lucifers Lust and I will definitely be paying you a visit now I know you will be there. Tell me, do you work on commission bonus for sales?” A devious plan was forming in her head.
Ellie nodded “Although I get a small basic, yes most of my pay is commission but then I only work our franchise or resale partners, and yes, I am aware your company stocks some of our lines. Thankfully, I don’t deal with the smaller retailers. So can I ask if your attendance is to seek out new suppliers or build on existing links?”
Sharon was glad to see that one so young was suitably business savvy. The 45-year-old Mum was eyeing the delicious young blond in a friendly way even if her mind was working overtime. The young blond looked very scrummy and judging by the way that her eye line kept dropping to Sharon’s tits, she wondered if maybe the two could have some fun together. Sharon just had time to say “The former for the most part, we stay ahead of our competitors by keeping our offering new and original” as the flight crew started their safety demonstration while the plane was pushed away from its station and made its way to the runway.
The crew got the plane in the air and the seat belt lights had pinged off so both ladies got comfy for the long flight. Ellie did the same and turned to her companion asking “Do you mind if I ask you some questions about the buyer’s mind set? Although I’ve only been in direct sales 9 months, I used to work in my Aunts lingerie store and so try to relate to customer questions back to the time when I was dealing directly with the public.”
Sharon had kicked off her shoes and half turned to the young woman replying “You can ask me whatever you like. It gives me a good feeling to be able to help another woman succeed. Although there are a number of women in our industry, the key decision makers are men and therefore our gender still has a way to go yet. As it happens relating to the end customer needs is a very good way of approaching things. What I’d also suggest bursa escort is trying to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. For example, we are constantly coming against a glass ceiling of expectation in terms of numbers shifted. Consider the fact that we women — or at least me especially but I doubt I’m not alone in this — lean towards matching sets. If I buy a bra, I will often buy matching panties and suspenders. The bean counters think in terms of numbers of units where women would think of it as a single set rather than three items.”
Ellie raised her eyebrows and nodded her head slowly saying “Yes, I see your point. The buyer is looking for the best deal on a set whereas the numbers people have a different viewpoint. Although that can equally apply to sales I guess.”
Sharon was beginning to get more animated in their conversation and started to coach the young woman on how she could steer conversations with people like Sharon while stressing the importance of closing off conversations to ensure the hesitant customer wasn’t allowed to wriggle off the hook, lest they change their mind once the phone was put down. Ellie was taking all of this in like a trusty student and the two had covered a range of topics by the time that the drinks cart had come around for a second time and so Sharon had asked the pretty redhaired stewardess for two mini bottles of champagne.
Despite the age difference Sharon and Eleanor were getting on like a house on fire, so much so that when Sharon leant over to rub her calf after checking out the older woman’s chest for the umpteenth time Eleanor asked “Can I help you with that? I have studied sports therapy”.
Sharon chuckled and replied, “It wasn’t done doing anything sporty but yes I would appreciate a bit of laying on of hands if it isn’t too much to ask” and twisted in her seat so that her legs were over the seat between the two women.
Ellie took hold of the nearest leg and started to rub her hands up and down the soft smooth legs saying, “I could do with some essential oils to lubricate but given the confines and none are available we’ll have to make do like this.”
Sharon leant her head back against the head rest saying, “Oh baby you’ve already bagged yourself an order from my company just doing that.”
Ellie felt a little mischievous when she said, “A decently sized order I hope?”
Sharon lifted her head slightly to look at the younger woman before saying “Carry on and you’ll be surprised by the volume, but a decent sized order needs more devotion.”
Ellie playfully pouted her bottom lip out and replied, “And what would it take to win that decently sized order?”
Sharon knew Ellie’s company and knew her company was planning on making it the backbone of their offering so figured she was on safe ground saying, “I’m not sure you’d be willing to go far enough to get a large single order in one go.”
Ellie looked indignant replying “Try me. For a customer like yours we would definitely pull out all the stops.”
Sharon smirked and debated whether to go all in. Poker was her secret vice, and she knew what was at stake. Worse case she could crash and burn and move to a different seat. “Well as you insist, I can guarantee an order placed with you personally equal to all last year’s orders put together.”
Eleanor was a little taken aback by that. She knew roughly how much the Lucifers account was, it wasn’t far off seven figures. Sharon saw the colour drain from the pretty blonde’s face but then a quick shake of her head soon had her back on track “For that kind of order you can name anything and if it’s in my power I’ll make it happen.”
‘Gottcha’ thought Sharon as she mulled over the exact phrase Ellie had used. “Well… “Sharon began to say but the paused “… when I think of what you are doing and what an order of that magnitude would mean for both our companies…” another pause “… right now I’d say it’s a certainty if you get down on your knees and eat my pussy for me.” Eleanor looked completely shocked at being so openly propositioned. Sure, she had been propositioned by men before but never so blatantly and never by a woman. Sharon could read the turmoil in the shocked expression and so decided to press home “Come on. You’ve been staring at these babies all the time…” this was the point where Sharon cupped her hands under her large tits “… If it helps you can always start there.” In one swift movement Sharon had lifted her T-shirt over her bra and being a front clasp, she quickly disposed of the hook and opened the cups for Ellie to admire fully.
Eleanor was staring wide eyed at the sight before her,
Yes, she had admired the older woman’s impressive breasts,
Yes, she had read a number of online stories about lesbians,
No, she had never partaken herself but
Yes, she was curious although the opportunity to indulge had never presented itself — but now it had and how should she respond?
The tits looked so full, round and inviting. She was bursa escort bayan on auto pilot as she slipped from her seat, sunk down to her knees and wriggled over to kneel in front of the older woman who had shuffled to the middle seat allowing Ellie to lean forward and took Sharon’s right nipple between her lips. The soft puckered flesh felt so very nice between her lips as she kissed and licked the enflamed nub. She swirled her tongue around it; she nipped it gently with her teeth; she sucked the nub as deeply into her mouth as she were able, and she loved everything that she could do with it. It felt so natural in her mouth.
Sharon loved the attention too. She cradled the back of Ellie’s head so that the youngster wouldn’t lose contact with her mouth. As Ellie sucked on the tip, both gave off low groans of satisfaction. Sharon allowed the younger woman a suitably decent amount of time before she pulled on the blonde hair so that her mouth was pulled off — much to Eleanor’s obvious disappointment. She needn’t have worried though as all Sharon intended was a switch to her left boob where Ellie immediately attached her mouth to that nipple and beginning the process all over again.
Sharon’s pussy had been moistening at the thought of having the young pretty blonde play with her but this kind of treatment was just making her almost wet the seat. Just then Sharon could make out over the top of the seats ahead that the stewardess making her way back up the aisle with the drinks cart. She pulled Ellie away from her boob and patted the window seat saying, “Pop back up here for a moment.” Sharon reclipped her bra and pulled her T-shirt back down the tall Amazonian woman — or at least that’s how Eleanor saw her from her seat — stood up routed around in the overhead compartment and extracted something. As the cute redhead came to them Sharon held up the item and said, “Just fetching a blanket” and got a nod in reply.
Once she was settled in the middle seat, Sharon reached both hands under her own skirt and pulled her panties down to her ankles before announcing to Ellie “Ok sweet cheeks, back on your knees. I need you to show me what that tongue of your feels on my pussy.”
Ellie smiled, slipped to her knees and as Sharon lifted her left leg out of the way, Ellie wriggled into place. She looked up at Sharon with the brightest blue eyes Sharon had ever seen and said in a low whisper “Erm, I’ve never actually done this before.”
It took Sharon a few heartbeats to comprehend the words but eventually she replied “Well, your adoration of my tits was impressive. How about you get to work down there, and I’ll guide you through the steps to pleasure me.” Ellie had seen and read enough porn to know how a females anatomy worked and so leant forward to swirl her tongue around the obviously enflamed clit that stood out proud from its little hood. Sharon sucked in a sharp breath and said “Oooh baby, you’re doing just fine.” The young blond sucked the clit between her lips and basically repeated her adoration of Sharon’s wonderful nipples. Remembering one of her favourite lesbian scenes Ellie wormed her tongue down Sharon’s splayed labia and drove her tongue deep inside the moist tasty source of the juice she was lovingly lapping up. Sharon balled her fist and rammed in her open mouth as she whimpered her appreciation of the fabulous job this first timer was doing.
The older woman did have the peace of mind to unfurl the blanket and place it over her lower section and Ellie’s head. A few minutes later Sharon was well and truly pulled out of her revere as the redhead stewardess leant into the row and in a low voice asked “Is everything alright. Where has your young friend gone to?”
Sharon looked like a rabbit in the headlights as she mumbled “Err… yes, everything’s fine. I think she went…” and started to wave her finger towards the toilets behind but the stewardess cut her off.
“No don’t worry. I can see her feet sticking out from under the blanket” came the reply as the stewardess lifted the blanket clear.
Sharon was gaping like a fish out of water having been caught bang to rights “Err… you’re not going to say anything are you…” as she looked at the name badge and pronounced the redheads name “… Sabrina?”
The redhead smiled as she peeled the blanket back to reveal Sharon’s open legs with the blond head rammed attached between them. “No, I don’t think anyone else needs to know just yet. Besides you wouldn’t be the first people wanting to join the mile high club. That is as long as you’re willing to share the little cutie.”
It was at this point Ellie looked up at Sabrina, her mouth and lower face covered in pussy juice. Sharon made no attempt to cover up as she replied, “Well if it’s a case of sharing or missing out and being left high and dry I’d obviously say that sharing is the way forward.”
“Great” announced Sabrina as she stood up straight “I’ll get one of my colleagues to cover for me, so görükle escort bayan we don’t get disturbed back here and I’ll be right back.”
Sharon did have the good grace to whisper to Ellie “Sorry but this gets us both out of a pickle” and duly pulled the back of the youngsters head so that her face was buried in the sparsely haired pussy once more.
Sabrina returned a few minutes later and flopped down in the aisle seat next to Sharon saying in a soft hushed voice “The young lady looks especially pretty with a face full of pussy to suck on. Now let’s see these amazing tits that I can’t take my eyes off” and started to lift Sharon’s T-shirt back up over her bra. Sharon then assisted by unclasping her bra and revealed the prizes below. Sabrina’s eyes widened in amazement as her right hand automatically reached up to fondle the nearest full ripe breast that flexed under her touch.
Ellie looked up at both from her knelt position and marvelled at the sight before her as her tongue continued to worm its way as deep inside Sharon as she were able. The complete look of ecstasy on Sharon’s face, her fabulous chest and Sabrina’s expression of appreciation of the boobs that Ellie herself had been lavishing attention on not so long ago provided an excellent viewpoint.
Sharon looked down into those deep pools of blue looking up at her and then across to the redhead as she dipped her head down to capture the nearest nipple between her lips. The older woman was truly in heaven as both of the younger women seemed intent on providing Sharon with as much pleasure as they could muster. She was wiggling her hips and squirming under the dual assault but what really tipped her over the edge was what Eleanor did with her hands.
The first to be moved was her left hand that she placed on Sharon’s thigh. The cabin lights had been dimmed but there was enough light to make Ellie’s wedding ring sparkle reminding the older woman that Ellie was probably otherwise straight. The blonde then reached up with her right hand and twiddling Sharon’s free nipple between her thumb and forefinger. The triple attentions on both nipples and her clitoris was just too much for Sharon. Sabrina instinctively knew what was about to happen and so took her mouth off the older woman’s boob and attached her mouth to Sharon’s in order to muffle the cries of ecstasy as Sharon humped her hips, riding her pussy over Ellie’s face who kept on sucking and licking all the way through her climax.
As Sharon calmed down, she relaxed back into her seat and Sabrina took her mouth off Sharon’s and similarly sank into the aisle seat. Eleanor stayed knelt on the floor and Sharon reach her hand down and tenderly stroked her cheek saying, “That was the first time you’ve done that isn’t it?” Ellie nodded. Sabrina looked from Ellie to Sharon and back again as the older woman added “You did amazingly. I don’t think I’ve had my pussy licked so well in the past. You are a natural” Ellie’s smile spread over her face showing her joy at the compliment.
Sabrina added keeping her voice low in line with the others “You certainly convinced me you’d done it before. In fact,…” turning to Sharon Sabrina added “…I think you ought to return the favour.”
Sharon smiled, raised her eyebrows and replied “Oh yes please. What a brilliant idea.”
Sabrina patted the seat and said turning to Sharon “You kneel on the floor by the window and you…” turning to Ellie “… come and lie down across the seats with your head on the aisle seat” and stood up to make way for the young blond who quickly laid down. Sharon tugged at Ellie’s jeans and panties pulling them down her long slender legs and off her ankles and feet. With that complete Sharon leant forward and ran her extended tongue along Ellie’s labia. The young blond was obviously excited with what she had been doing to Sharon as her pussy juice was everywhere.
Eleanor would have groaned out loud but was muffled by Sabrina. The cute redhead had lifted up her uniform skirt to reveal she was pantiless and straddled Ellie’s head once it was flat on the seat placing her pussy squarely on Elle’s mouth. No bidding was required for the young blond to extend her tongue so that she could burrow the tip deep inside the stewardess as she had just been doing with Sharon moments earlier. Sabrina just loved the way the young blondes tongue searched deeper but guessed it was a response to what Sharon was doing. A quick glimpse over her shoulder showed the older woman bent over with her face pressed hard against the young girl’s pussy. The redhead leant back and popped the buttons on Ellie’s blouse. With the garment opened she was then able to worm her fingers down the cups of Ellie’s bra and flexed them around her prominent nipples.
Eleanor had been feeling the effect of Sharon’s expert tongue but once Sabrina started to tweak her chest, the young blond was having difficulty giving the stewardesses pussy the attention she felt it deserved. She tasted so very different from Sharon, much sweeter and the more she delved, the more she wanted to swallow down. If she focused on the pussy in front of her, she had at least been able to induce a toe-curling climax in the redhead and groaned deeply as she herself let her own climax go, rewarding Sharon for her efforts in due course.
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