Bar Pick Up

Bar Pick Up

It has been a stressful week at work, full of meetings, deadlines, and supply chain issues. Each night I went home tired and angry, and all I was in the mood for was dinner and sleep. It is now Friday and I can put all of that behind me. At 5:00, I log out of my work computer and make a bee line for the front door. I am usually pretty cordial with my co-workers, but today I head out without acknowledging any of them. As soon as I am outside, I quickly make my way down the street and turn into my favorite bar.

The bar isn’t too crazy yet, but there are several groups of business professionals scattered around; no doubt pre-gaming future working dinners. I give the hostess a friendly wave on my way to the bar and take a seat at one end. As soon as I’m seated, I close my eyes, roll my head back, and let out several deep breaths.

“Tough day, sweetie?” A familiar female voice asks.

I open my eyes to see the friendly face of my favorite bartender smiling at me. She is dressed in a tiny pair of tight cut-off jeans and a tight low cut black T-shirt. Her bra is working overtime on her cleavage. I am sure she will be raking in the tips tonight. The two of us would often playfully flirt back and forth, but we both know there isn’t going to be anything serious between us.

“How you doing, Mary?” I ask with a warm smile.

“Not too bad, but you look like you have been to hell and back,” she says.

“It’s been that kind of week,” I reply.

“Well, it’s the weekend. Time to forget it. What can I get you, Dave?”

“Just a beer, thanks.”

“Sure thing,” Mary says with a smile before heading down the bar to the taps.

After a quick glance at Mary’s round ass, I turn my attention to the basketball game on the TV above the bar. I have never been much of a fan, but it is a nice distraction to get my mind out of work mode.

After a few moments, Mary places a pint of beer and two shot glasses, filled with what looked like whiskey, in front of me. “Here you go, hon,” she says with a friendly voice.

“Thanks for the beer, Mary. But what’s this all about?” I question her while nodding toward the shots.

“Looks like you need a quick drink with a friend,” she says. “Don’t worry, it’s on me.” She slides one of the shot glasses in front of me.

I can’t help but smile at her nice gesture. “Thanks, Mary. You’re the best.”

She smiles and bats her eyes slightly. “Can you say that a bit louder the next time my manager walks by?”

I laugh. “Sure thing.” I pick up the small glass and ask, “So what are we drinking to?”

Mary picks up her glass and says, “To the weekend.”

“To the weekend,” I reply with a relieved sigh. We carefully touch glasses before downing the golden brown liquid with a grimace.

Mary closes her eyes tight and shakes her head slightly before taking the empty glass from my hand. “So are you expecting anyone?” She asks.

“Don’t think so,” I answer. “Just looking forward to a little decompression and alone time.”

“I understand,” She says. “Holler if you need anything. Can I get you something to eat?”

“Maybe just some fries, thanks.”

“No problem,” Mary says before heading off to put in my order and help the other patrons that are quickly filling up the bar.

After several hours, the basket of fries lays empty in front of me and I am halfway through my fourth beer. To my surprise, Mary appears in front of me and slides another glass of beer my direction. “Joining me again, Mary?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“It’s not from me. It’s from the cutie at the other end of the bar,” Mary replies while pointing toward my mysterious benefactor.

I lean forward to look where Mary is pointing. As my eyes scan the other patrons, I notice a lovely brunette quickly turn her head away from my direction. “That her?” I ask Mary.

“Yup,” she confirms.

“Hmmm,” I think out loud. I’m not used to being the one being pursued. It feels kind of nice and is certainly a welcome change of pace from the week I had. I try to get a better look at her, but there are too many other people in the way. I turn back to Mary for advice. “I suppose I should go thank her, huh?”

“That would probably be appreciated. Do you want me to save your seat?”

“Nah, it’s fine. Even if it goes nowhere, I’ll probably just go home and crash.”

“Suit yourself,” Mary says with a smile. “Good luck, tiger,” she continues with a wink.

I pound the last half of my beer and get up from my seat. “Thanks, Mary,” I say while grabbing the glass the stranger bought for me. It takes some effort to make my way through the crowd of people that are now gathered around the bar. When I finally arrive, the mystery woman has her back to me and appears to be paying attention to the drink in front of her.

I take the opportunity to get a better look at her. Her light brown hair is wavy and falls to the middle of her back. The dark green, sleeveless dress she is wearing accentuates the highlights in her hair. Her arms and shoulders are lightly escort bayan tanned. Most likely from outdoor activities, as opposed to a tanning bed. She is turned slightly in her seat and I can see the hem of her dress sits at about mid thigh. But it is the sight of her fishnet stockings that causes the crotch of my jeans to tighten slightly.

I take a deep breath to clear my head and lightly tap her shoulder. “Excuse me,” I say before she turns around. “I believe I owe you a thanks.”

The woman turns to look at me and I nearly fall into her dark blue eyes. She smiles warmly and bats her eyes a few times. “You are very welcome,” she says before moistening her red lips with the tip of her tongue.

It takes a moment before I am able to compose myself enough to respond. Finally, I manage to ask, “And to what do I owe the pleasure of your generosity?”

“Well, I noticed you when I came in. Just sitting there alone. I kept looking over to check up on you, and you were always by yourself. I figured your needed some cheering up.”

I smile warmly. “Well thank you for checking on me. I appreciate that.”

She grabs her mojito and touches her glass to mine. “Cheers,” she says with a smile before wrapping her ruby red lips around the end of the straw and taking a sip.

“Cheers,” I reply before taking a sip of my beer. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name.”

“Why do we need to get names involved? It’s more mysterious without them,” she replies with a wink.

“Fair enough,” I say.

“So…hard week?” She asks.

“And then some…” I start before the woman presses a finger to my lips. I quickly turn my eyes down to check out her red, manicured finger nail.

“Shh, shh, shh,” she says. “This isn’t the time or place for sad stories. All I want to talk about is fun stuff.”

I look into her bright eyes again and smile behind her fingertip. She smiles back and removes her finger from my lips. “Agreed,” I say. I notice her drink is almost empty. “Can I get you another one?” I ask, while waving to get Mary’s attention. I gesture that I want to get a drink for my new acquaintance.

“Why thank you,” the woman replies. “You know, you don’t need to stand so far away. It will be easier to talk if you are closer,” she says with a twinkle in her eye. She turns in her seat so that her back is to the bar.

I step forward and her knee brushes against my thigh. She looks me in the eyes. After placing the straw of her drink between her lips, she slowly sucks down the rest of her drink in a single swallow. Meanwhile, the lower half of her right leg wraps around mine and gently pulls me a little closer with her heel. I quickly take a drink of my beer and the corners of her mouth curl into a wicked smile.

Mary appears with a fresh mojito and gives me a quick, encouraging gesture before disappearing again. The woman finally breaks eye contact with me and replaces her empty glass with the new one. When she turns back to me, she asks, “So what do you like to do to blow off steam and forget a shitty week at work?”

I stall for a moment by taking a slow sip of my drink. Her heel slowly travels up and down my calf as she watches me. Finally, I say with a shrug, “Nothing too interesting. Hiking. Mountain biking. Playing video games.”

“I don’t know. All of those sound like fertile ground for fun opportunities.”

For a few beats I silently watch the woman in front of me. There seems to be a hidden meaning behind everything she says. “So what do you like to do to blow off steam?” I ask before taking a sip of my drink.

She looks me straight in the eyes. “Sex.”

I nearly choke on my beer. “Come again?” I ask after composing myself.

“Exactly,” she says. “So tell me…Have you ever had someone go down on you while playing a video game?”

“Ummm, no. I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure.”

“Pity. I highly recommend it.”

“Well, I will definitely put that on my list of things to try,” I say with a laugh. “What else can you recommend?”

“Hmmmm,” she thinks. “Heavy petting in the back of an Uber is exciting.”

“Is it now?” I reply with a raised eyebrow.

“Yup. And I have a feeling you are going to experience that one pretty soon.”

I am taken aback by how forward this woman is. I haven’t experienced anything like it before. “Can’t wait,” I say.

“Well, no time like the present,” she says before quickly finishing off her drink. “I’m going to head to the ladies room and will order the car. If you aren’t ready when I get back…well, I guess I will just be blowing off steam without you.” With that she reaches behind me and gives my ass a tight squeeze with one hand before getting off her seat and walking away.

I watch her ass sway as she makes her way to the back of the room, then quickly turn back to the bar to get Mary’s attention. I give her my card and offer to pay for my new friend as well.

After a few minutes, a body presses against my back and hot breath tickles my ear. “Ready to go?” A sultry voice whispers.

“Just finishing altıparmak escort bayan up now,” I say as I leave Mary a healthy tip and sign the receipt.

A few minutes later we are getting into the back seat of a small SUV. After we say a few pleasantries to the driver, the woman turns in her seat and places her legs over my lap. She grabs the back of my head and pulls me in for a deep kiss. Our tongues dance back and forth as soft moans grow in our throats. I wrap one hand around her back and hold her tight. My other hand finds the back of her knee and slowly moves up her leg. My palm passes the lace top of her fishnets and finds the soft skin of her upper thigh. She groans slightly when I give her hip a squeeze underneath her dress.

My mouth moves to the ridge of her jaw and slowly travels down to her neck. I kiss and nibble her neck while she loosens two buttons on my shirt and slips a hand in to caress my chest. After a final squeeze, my hand releases her hip and eases its way between her legs. My fingers find her bare pussy lips; causing her to gasp.

“Naughty girl,” I whisper into her neck.

Her hips squirm as I slowly stroke her damp pussy. She grabs my head with both hands and gives me an intense, forceful kiss. She moans into my mouth as my finger slips between her folds and brushes her clit. After a few more light touches I withdraw my hand from under her dress. She whimpers slightly.

I quickly turn my eyes to the rear view mirror and see the driver trying to catch a view of the lewd activities going on behind him. I smirk slightly and return my attention to the sexy woman on my lap.

Our tongues wrestle back and forth while our hands roam freely over each other. I move my hand to her breast. It feels heavy, but firm. Her excited, hard nipple pokes my palm through the fabric of her dress. “Yeesss,” she whispers softly as I squeeze the sensitive orb.

We are lost in each other’s embrace and are focused entirely on exploring each other’s body. The driver clears his throat and snaps us back into reality. “We have arrived,” he says while smirking into the rear view mirror. We quickly apologize with sheepish grins and put ourselves together, before thanking him for the ride and exiting the car.

We nearly run to the front door. In a blur, my companion has the door unlocked and pulls me inside. As soon as the door closes, I spin her around and push her back against it. I hold her head between my hands and plant a hard kiss on her lips; my tongue hunts hers down like a dog on a scent. I press my body against hers. Her breasts crush into my chest. The fingers of one of her hands plunge into the hair on the back of my head, while her other hand moves down my back and grips my ass.

For a few moments, we pant and moan against the door. She raises one leg and wraps it around my hip. I take the hint and grab her ass with both hands. I lift her up a bit and she wraps her other leg around me. I break our kiss so I can chart a course to the nearest couch. As I carry her, she plants a series of wet kisses and licks all over my face and neck. When I reach our destination, I collapse into the couch and she squeals in surprise.

I am seated on the couch and she is straddling my lap. She leans in to give me another deep, lingering kiss before sitting up straight. I lightly hold her hips and gaze at her. She bites her lip seductively as she reaches behind her back and unzips her dress. The straps of her dress fall down her arms, revealing her amazing, perky breasts. I slowly slide my hands up her waist and cup the smooth outer curves of her tits with my palms. I squeeze them gently while my thumbs run circles over her rock hard nipples. “Oooooo,” she coos as her head rolls back.

I pull her closer. Her hands rest on the back of the couch on either side of my head. My lips circle one of her nipples. My tongue laps and flicks at the hard nub. “Mmmmm, that feels so good,” she whispers. I suck her nipple hard and release it with a wet pop, before giving her other breast some attention. She sighs and grinds her hips into my lap. “My, my,” she says seductively. “It feels like you are building up some pressure down there. Maybe I can help relieve some of it.”

She slowly snakes her way down my body and kneels between my feet. Her tongue wets her lips while she looks me straight in the eyes. Her fingers make short work of my belt and soon has the front of my pants open. After grabbing the waist of my pants and boxer briefs, she carefully pulls them down to the floor. My engorged cock lays in my lap. The round head glistens and the thick shaft pulses with each heartbeat.

“My my, you are full of surprises,” she says after taking in the sight. She looks me in the eyes while her hand gingerly wraps around the base of my cock, raising it straight up. Her touch causes me to moan softly. “I can’t wait to feel this in the back of my throat,” she says before slowly licking up the river of precum running down my shaft.

After traveling up and down the full length nilüfer eskort of my dick a few times, her tongue makes several swirling laps around the ridge at the end. Her lips then encircle the head as she sucks it into her mouth. The tip of her tongue flicks my sensitive cleft. “Fuuuuuck,” I moan softly as my head rolls back against the couch in pleasure.

My lover’s head slowly bobs up and down on the end of my cock, while her fist strokes my shaft with a gentle twist. I close my eyes and marvel at the sensation as she swallows more and more of my length. I place a hand on the back of her head and grab a fistful of hair. My encouragement causes her to pick up the pace. “God, that feels so good,” I whisper.

She slides my cock out of her mouth. Her hand strokes the entire length a few times to get it slick. Delightful sensations course through my body as her fingers roll over the round head. I raise my head to look at her and her sultry eyes meet mine. She licks her lips and says, “You ain’t felt nothing yet.”

In one smooth motion, my cock disappears into her mouth and doesn’t stop until her nose is buried in the trimmed patch of hair above my crotch. Her throat feels tight, but inviting against the end of my dick. “Oh fuck, yesssss,” I groan. My hips buck a bit, trying to shove my cock a little deeper. She holds still for a few seconds, before pulling back with a deep gasp. Thick ropes of spit and precum snap and fall against her chin. She pumps my cock a few times while she catches her breath, then repeats the disappearing act. “Fuck, that’s amazing,” I breathe heavily, before she comes up for air again. She gives me a delightful smirk and wink, before returning to work.

Her hand begins stroking the end of my soaking wet dick, while she leans in and takes one of my balls into her mouth. I groan as she sucks and licks first one, then then other. After bathing my balls a few more times, she moves back to the end of my cock by planting a series a wet tongue kisses along its length. Once again, the engorged head disappears between her lips and she resumes her sucking.

I pull her hair to one side in order to clear her path as she takes half of my dick in and out of her mouth in a steady rhythm. For the next few minutes, the sounds of sucking, slurping, moaning, and groaning fill the room. My hips buck and grind as the pressure builds and rapidly approaches the point of no return. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I manage to warn her between ragged breaths.

A wicked smile appears across her face and she pumps my shaft fast and hard with both hands. Her mouth is open and the head of my cock rests on her tongue as she awaits her hard won prize. After a few more quick stokes, I feel my balls tighten. “Ahhunnnghh…fuuuuck,” I groan as the first shot of semen erupts from my dick and shoots across her tongue. She moans in greedy pleasure as she milks several more loads from my balls. My thick seed coats her tongue and runs down her throat.

When my climax subsides, I collapse against the back of the couch breathing hard. I close my eyes and rest as my new lover sucks the last few drops of cum out of my dick and cleans it with her mouth. When I finally regain my senses, I look down at her with a huge smile. She is resting her head on my thigh with a beautiful smile of her own. Her chin and lips glisten with spit and cum. “That was amazing, thank you,” I say while stroking her hair.

“You are very welcome,” she replies and gives my inner thigh a wet kiss. “You have a nice cock.”

I chuckle a bit. “You are too kind,” I reply.

“Now…” she says before standing up. I take her fingers in my hand as she stands in front of me, her dress a pool of fabric around her waist. “I’m going upstairs.” She lets go of my hand and quickly walks to the stairs. I turn my head along the back of the couch to watch her. She pauses at the bottom. “You are welcome to look for me if you want,” she continues before starting up the stairs.

I quickly stand up and try to walk, but my pants are still around my ankles. I sit down and try to pull them off, but experience some difficulty. “Shit,” I mutter to myself when I realize my shoes are still on. I quickly take off my shoes and socks, and toss them to the floor, then pull off my pants, leaving them in a heap by the couch. I stand up and pull my shirt over my head and drop it on the couch.

I nearly run to the bottom of the stairs and look up. The staircase is empty except for a pile of clothes about midway up. As I ascend the stairs, I reach down and pick up the discarded dress. As I continue my climb, I hold the dress to my nose and breath in her scent.

At the top of the stairs are two doors and a hallway that leads across the house. There are two other doors along the hallway. I open the first door to find a linen closest full of sheets and towels. I open the second door and find a small bedroom with the lights out. I pause to let my eyes adjust a bit, but no one is there. As I make my way to the next door, I see her heels are laying in front of the door. After placing the dress on the handrail guarding the stairs, I listen at the door for a moment, but don’t hear anything on the other side. When I open the door, I find a small bathroom. The shower curtain is closed, but when I pull it back, the tub is empty. “One door left,” I quietly whisper to myself.

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