An Intimate Interview

“So… I heard you were hiring?”

Jessica stood in front of the counter, fidgeting with her job application packet. She was sure she looked nervous – it was to be expected after receiving four rejections that day alone. She brushed her cherry red hair aside and tried to put on a smile for the attendant behind the counter.

The girl smiled back with an enthusiastic nod, her long braids bouncing wildly as she did. “That’s right, dear! However did you guess?”

Jessica balked. The entire store was practically plastered in bright yellow ‘Help Wanted!’ signs. There were almost as many signs as candles, which was impressive for a candle shop.

A sharp giggling drew her attention back to the attendant, who was waving her hand playfully at her.

“I’m just messin’ with ya, darling! Goodness we could use some help around here – the right kind of help. Gotta application?”

“Oh, of course…” She handed it over with a skeptical glance. This girl affect seemed too familiar, especially given their age difference- she seemed to be about 25 compared to Jessica’s 40. The pet names were definitely not helping either. “Is the manager around? Maybe the store owner? I believe they posted the job application.”

Bea grinned and patted her chest proudly. “That’d be me! Miss Talia Bea, of Honey Bea’s Candleorium! Pleasure to meet ya!”

Jessica’s disbelief was palpable. She was hardly dressed the part of a store owner – tight striped leggings over a short yellow skirt and tank top. Her outfit looked more like a slutty bee cosplay than a uniform. Even her makeup was bizarrely sexual, with bright gold lipstick coating her plump lips and contrasting sharply with her chocolate brown skin.

“…and you are? You’ve gotta name, ya?”

She flushed, looking back up at Bea. Her mischievous grin made it obvious she’d noticed her bewliderment. “Oh – it’s Jessica. Good to meet you too, Miss Bea.”

“Just Bea works fine, Jessica! An’ that’s a winner of a name I must say!” She beamed at her and slipped the application into a drawer, not even glancing at it before exiting the counter. “Lemme show you around the place. Shouldn’t take long in this teensy lil shop, eh?”

Such overt friendliness took Jessica off guard. As unusual as Bea was, her warmth was a refreshing change after the day’s many disappointing meetings. She smiled wearily back at her, and let her lead the way through the small shop.

“On your left you’ll see our artisan candle sets, perfect for a formal gatherin’ or get together! Ooh, these over here are all scented with fruits – you’ve gotta smell the pomegranate!”

Bea dashed between the shelves eagerly, oohing and aahing over each new candle design. How she managed to maintain such childlike wonder about candles of all things was beyond Jessica. She just smiled, stopping to sniff each candle shecwas offered. The store was actually quite nice, with tastefully carved wooden shelves and warm mood lighting. Along with the mixed aroma of various candles, the store immediately felt like a home away from home.

“… you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to get that foresty smell in a candle! If anyone says it’s easy they are lyin’! Oh, and how could I forget the ‘Bea’s Knees’?!”

Bea gestured to a tall shelf set in the very center of the store, adorned with large round candles. Each one was set in a spherical glass jar with a golden ribbon tied around its neck. As Jessica approached the display, the unmistakable aroma of honey drifted over her – soft, sweet, succulent. But somehow the scent was different… she picked one up and sniffed it before even being offered one.

“It’s good ain’t it? We make half our profits from those alone! Pers’nally I think it’s the name… ‘Bea’s Knees’, heh heh. Don’t smell like whatsapp escort knees tho, but no one seems’ta mind!” Bea chuckled softly and picked up a candle herself, wandering towards the back of the store. “Get over to the back and we’ll see if you’re a good fit for the Bea brand!”

Jessica gulped. She’d almost forgotten there would be an interview! Quickly returning the candle, she followed Bea through a door labeled ‘Worker Bees Only, Please’ to the back of the store.

The deep, sweet aroma of honey greeted her yet again as she passed through the door. She glanced around the small office in awe – the entire room sported a peculiar, anachronistic blend of decor. A rustic wooden desk dominated the room with a sleek computer sitting on it; just to the side a velvet couch had been plopped next to a water cooler straight out of a corporate office. The shelves behind the desk were littered with doo-dads and nick-nacks, some ticking or spinning or swaying. Several ‘Bea’s Knees’ candles were also lit on the shelf, and seemingly had been for some time.

She could barely take it all in before Bea snapped her fingers, pulling her attention back in.

“There’s a seat for ya right there – an’ sorry for the mess, Jess! I can call you Jess, right?”

“Oh, um… sure?” She flushed, sitting down on the stool she had been offered. Bea squeezed behind the desk to settle on her ancient office chair, creaking treacherously as her weight rested on it.

“So! Tell me about ya-self Jess.”

“Well, you know…” she fidgeted with her hair as she mentally rehearsed her resume. “I studied marketing in college, and I have about 10 years of experience in sales. I’ve helped work on recruitment campaigns for-“

Bea waved her hand dismissively. “No no no, forget that bosh! I wanna know aboutyou. What gets ya up in the morning, makes life worth it to you?”

“I, uh…” Jessica flushed as the question fully sunk in. What little confidence she had was quickle fading away – this was hardly the place to pick away at her insecurities

“It’s ok Jess, take a moment to think ’bout it.” Bea leaned forward a little and propped her elbows on the desk. “Take a moment to think, and breathe…”

Jessica drew in a slow breath, letting the candles’ aroma fill her lungs and drift around her. Somehow this girl had managed to completely fluster her when four prior interviewers had not. What was it about her? She tried to focus on the clicking and tapping noises filling the room.

“I guess I want… I need to make a difference. Make the world a better place for those I meet.”

Bea smirked and leaned forward more, propping her head up on her hands. “Mmm, are you sure? Is that really you, Jess?”

She squirmed a little on the stool as Bea’s gaze bore into her relentlessly, as though the truth were written on her forehead. She shook her head slowly.

“No, that isn’t me. I… I’m more selfish than that. I just want to matter, to be important. I want…” her voice trailed off as she gazed up at Bea again. An infectious smile was playing across her lips.

“You want validation. Is that it, darling?”

“Y-yes. Validation…” Jessica nodded slowly, her eyes locked with Bea’s now. It couldn’t be normal to be this open in a job interview… what did this have to do with the job anyway? But at the same time it felt appropriate with Bea, like she really cared.

Bea stood up slowly, nodding with Jessica. “Yeah, ain’t that it… validation. Someone to tell you you’re doin’ ok.” She stepped around the desk while tracing her fingers along its edge. She seemed to drift so effortlessly through the thick, sweet air… while Jessica struggled to even think straight.

“I-I am doing ok. I know I’m fine.”

“Oh istanbul escort bayan of course you are, dear! But you don’t always feel it…” she walked behind her and placed her hands gently on her shoulders. “Sometimes you just needa reminder, y’know?”

Jessica moaned softly as Bea squeezed her shoulders. She hadn’t realized just how tense her body was, wound tight under her pale skin and fake smile. The impromptu massage was as welcome as it was unexpected – her shoulders slackened to give further access to her arms.

“Yess… I guess I would like to be reminded sometimes.”

“You’ve worked so hard… wouldn’t it be nice to jus’ let go? Haven’t you earned that?” Her hands crept down Jessica’s sides until they rested just above her wide hips. She stooped down enough to hold her gently, pressing her bosom against her back.

“I mean – wouldn’t it – but the job?” Jessica stammered as Bea’s fingers dug into her plump sides. Her touch felt surprisingly warm through her blouse and stirred up a flurry of tense emotion in her chest. She could feel her control over the situation slipping away with each passing second.

Bea smiled and leaned in closer. “Forget the job… focus on this feeling…” she whispered in her ear. In one smooth motion she cupped Jessica’s bosom and began fondling her heavy breasts.

Jessica whimpered, eyes fluttering as an assault of sensations took hold of her. She reached her hand up to try and brush them away, but she instead pressed them deeper, unable to resist the pleasure welling up in her. Her body felt so hot, and Bea’s fingers felt amazing on her breasts. Each labored breath filled her lungs with more honey-sweet air, made it harder and harder to think rationally.

She didn’t even try to resist as Bea teased her blouse open, button after button coming loose until it finally fell open. Bea purred softly as she gazed at her exposed bosom. “See? It feels so much better this way… so freein.”

It certainly felt good being free from the tight blouse. Bea’s eager hands slipped under her bra to feel her plump flesh; Jessica leaned back into her embrace and surrendered herself to this experience. She was rewarded with gentle tugging on her stiff nipples, which were already incredibly sensitive – she squirmed on the stool, gripping it desperately for support. How was Bea making her feel so good?!

“Take it all off, darling. Let me see you.”

Jessica was on her feet and obeying before she could even doubt herself. She kicked off her heels and shimmied out of her pants, finally slipping off her panties. Soon her pear shaped body was on full display, pale skin all over and glistening slightly from sweat. Something in her was trying to tell her this was wrong, and she was blushing despite herself – but somehow looking at Bea’s friendly face made it seem right.

She nodded and grinned, looking her new hire up and down. “Mmm-hmm! You’re a real catch Jess – you’ll fit in fine I’m sure! But…” she smirked at her, a finger sliding under her tank top “…it’s only fair to give you a peek too, ain’t it?”

Jessica watched in awe as Bea slipped out of her tight clothes – they already left little to the imagination, but she was stunning without them! Her chocolate breasts sprung free of her top and swayed alluringly, just begging to be fondled and kissed. The striped leggings gave way to plump ebony legs that jiggled as she kicked off her clothes. Without her heels on, Jessica was actually a bit shorter than Bea; she gazed at her amazonian figure in shocked silence. She’d never been into other women, but this attraction was simply undeniable!

Bea smiled down at her, licking her lips teasingly as she sauntered towards the stunned older woman. “Well… özbek escort I wager you like whatcha see?” She winked and slipped an arm around Jessica, who was still staring dumbly at the bombshell before her.

“I, well… yes!”

Bea leaned in closer until their faces were barely an inch apart. “Mmm… do ya now? Show me…”

Jessica’s inhibitions evaporated with that simple gesture. She kissed Bea as eagerly and deeply as she could, moaning as her golden lips bore into hers. Their bosoms collided as they embraced and rubbed wildly together; she grabbed Bea’s long braids and pulled her even closer as they gyrated together.

Bea let Jessica take the lead for a few moments, but it didn’t take long for her to reassert her dominance. She leaned arched Jessica backwards and leaned over her, kissing her even more deeper than she thought possible! Her hand snaked down between her plump thighs and found her clit, rubbing over it roughly as Jessica groaned into her.

Jessica’s legs went weak from the sudden burst of pleasure, and she desperately clung to Bea for support. With one firm push she was sent staggering back onto the velvet couch behind her. She barely had time to catch her breath before Bea was on her again, kissing wildly and pinching her stiff teat. She could only moan lustfully and squirm, overwhelmed by the intense pleasure gripping her.

Bea broke away from their kiss and gazed lustfully down at her. She expertly twisted and tugged on Jessica’s nipple, not giving her a moment of rest. At the same time her leg bore down on Jessica’s crotch mercilessly as she pinned her down. She gripped the top of the couch and pushed back with her hips, drawing a sharp breath as pleasure throbbed within her. The intense sensations and overpowering aroma were becoming too much!

“B-bea! Please!”

Bea looked into her pleading eyes with a knowing smile. “Mmm, it’s aight darling… I know ‘xactly whatcha need! Bea’llmake you feel sooo goood…” Bea straddled one of Jessica’s legs, lifting the other up and hugging it tightly. As she began slowly grinding their crotches together, her face contorted into an expression of pure bliss.

“Oooh! Oohhh fuck!!” Jessica’s eyes rolled back as the first wave of ecstasy hit her. Every fiber of her body was aglow with sexual desire and gyrating lewdly against Bea. Her full breasts wobbled and her voice trembled as Bea rode her with passion she had never experienced before. She gripped Bea’s hips tightly and pulled her even harder, her legs twitching at the sheer intensity of her need.

Bea was also shaking with anticipation as her hips began rocking faster and faster. Jessica’s curvy body seemed to fit hers perfectly in every way! Her plump lips hung open and moan after moan slipped out of them effortlessly. Their clits ground together as they both trembled in unison, their climax slowly building.

“Oh damn! Jess, I’m – I’m close!”

Both women gyrated together even faster and their breathing grew short and rough. For a few blissful minutes they were a unified mass of throbbing need, grinding against each other tirelessly as they inched closer to the edge.

The energy blossoming within them suddenly exploded through their glistening bodies! Their legs went stiff and they both moaned desperately in unison. Sticky honey melted out of their throbbing pussies as they came, but it wasn’t enough! They continued grinding on each other and riding out their mutual orgasm.

At last their orgasm began to fade and their gyrations abated. Bea slumped over next to Jessica, hugging her close -her face seemed to literally shine as the afterglow filled her. “Mmm… I’d say you earned the job, Jess!” She smiled as she traced Jessica’s flushed cheek with one finger. “You can start tomorrow… although you’ll hafta come in early for orientation. You’re aight with that, ain’t ya?”

Jessica could only nod in dazed bliss, soon lost in yet another sweet kiss. How could she say no? Here she finally mattered and was seen… and she was proud to be a member of the Honey Bea family!

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